Saturday 29 December 2012

Top Real Estate Professional, Janice Copeland, in Winchester, VA ...

Denver NC ? 12/28/12 Pro Step Marketing, a real estate focused marketing design and implementation firm, developed a marketing strategy for Janice Copeland in Winchester, VA to assist distressed homeowners in finding comprehensive information to investigate options to avoid foreclosure. This strategy enables homeowners facing foreclosure to find options, such as short sales, to assist them in this difficult time.

Those who visit the Janice Copeland website at to Help Avoid Foreclosure in the Winchester, VA area will find information regarding the short sale process as an option of avoiding foreclosure.? In addition, visitors will find tools such as free reports, checklists and qualifying forms to help the seller during this process.? With a description of how the short sale process works, how it compares to a foreclosure, and how a homeowner may be able to qualify for a short sale, this plan allows distressed homeowners to evaluate all their options and know that there are experts in the Winchester, VA area that are able to help them.

Pro Step Marketing,, led byTricia Andreassen is a leader in real estate marketing strategy field providing fully executed marketing plans for real estate professionals from print to web.? ?Many homeowners are hiding and not sharing that they are in trouble.? They are embarrassed and want to get information on their own terms?, says Andreassen.


For more information, visit or call 866-799-9888.


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Thursday 27 December 2012

Justice refuses to block morning-after pill rule

(AP) ? Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Wednesday denied a request to block part of the federal health care law that requires employee health-care plans to provide insurance coverage for the morning-after pill and similar emergency contraception pills.

Hobby Lobby Stores and a sister company, Mardel Inc., sued the government, claiming the mandate violates the religious beliefs of its owners.

In an opinion, Sotomayor said the stores fail to satisfy the demanding legal standard for blocking the requirement on an emergency basis. She said the companies may continue their challenge to the regulations in the lower courts.

Company officials say they must decide whether to violate their faith or face a daily $1.3 million fine beginning Jan. 1 if they ignore the law.

Attorneys for the government have said the drugs do not cause abortions and that the U.S. has a compelling interest in mandating insurance coverage for them.

In ruling against the companies last month, U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton said churches and other religious organizations have been granted constitutional protection from the birth-control provisions but that "Hobby Lobby and Mardel are not religious organizations."

Associated Press


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Wednesday 26 December 2012

NORAD says record number of calls to track Santa

Volunteers take phone calls from children asking where Santa is and when he will deliver presents to their house, during the annual NORAD Tracks Santa Operation, at the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs, Colo., Monday Dec. 24, 2012. Over a thousand volunteers at NORAD handle more than 100,000 thousand phone calls from children around the world every Christmas Eve, with NORAD continually projecting Santa's supposed progress delivering presents. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

Volunteers take phone calls from children asking where Santa is and when he will deliver presents to their house, during the annual NORAD Tracks Santa Operation, at the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs, Colo., Monday Dec. 24, 2012. Over a thousand volunteers at NORAD handle more than 100,000 thousand phone calls from children around the world every Christmas Eve, with NORAD continually projecting Santa's supposed progress delivering presents. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

Volunteer Katherine Beaupre takes phone calls from children asking where Santa is and when he will deliver presents to their house, during the annual NORAD Tracks Santa Operation, at the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs, Colo., Monday Dec. 24, 2012. Over a thousand volunteers at NORAD handle more than 100,000 thousand phone calls from children around the world every Christmas Eve, with NORAD continually projecting Santa's supposed progress delivering presents. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Richard Scobie talks with a fellow volunteer while taking phone calls from children asking where Santa is and when he will deliver presents to their house, during the annual NORAD Tracks Santa Operation, at the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs, Colo., Monday Dec. 24, 2012. Over a thousand volunteers at NORAD handle more than 100,000 thousand phone calls from children around the world every Christmas Eve, with NORAD continually projecting Santa's supposed progress delivering presents. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

Lizzie Solano, center, and her sister Sarah take phone calls from children asking where Santa is and when he will deliver presents to their house, during the fifth annual NORAD Tracks Santa Operation, at the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs, Colo., Monday Dec. 24, 2012. Over a thousand volunteers at NORAD handle more than 100,000 thousand phone calls from children around the world every Christmas Eve, when NORAD continually projects Santa Claus's supposed progress delivering presents. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

Volunteers take phone calls from children asking where Santa is and when he will deliver presents to their house, during the annual NORAD Tracks Santa Operation, at the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs, Colo., Monday Dec. 24, 2012. Over a thousand volunteers at NORAD handle more than 100,000 thousand phone calls from children around the world every Christmas Eve, with NORAD continually projecting Santa's supposed progress delivering presents. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AP) ? Most of the thousands of children who call the annual Santa-tracking operation at a Colorado Air Force Base on Christmas Eve ask the usual questions: "Where's Santa, and when will he get here?"

So volunteer Sara Berghoff was caught off-guard Monday when a child called to see if Santa could be especially kind this year to the families affected by the Connecticut school shooting.

"I'm from Newtown, Connecticut, where the shooting was," she remembers the child asking. "Is it possible that Santa can bring extra presents so I can deliver them to the families that lost kids?"

Sara, just 13 herself, was surprised but gathered her thoughts quickly. "If I can get ahold of him, I'll try to get the message to him," she told the child.

Sara was one of hundreds of volunteers at NORAD Tracks Santa who answered thousands of calls, program spokeswoman Marisa Novobilski said. Spokeswoman 1st Lt. Stacey Fenton said that as of midnight Tuesday, trackers answered more than 111,000 calls, breaking last year's record of 107,000.

First lady Michelle Obama, who is spending the holidays with her family in Hawaii, also joined in answering calls as she has in recent years. She spent about 30 minutes talking with children from across the country, telling some who asked that her favorite toys growing up were Barbie dolls and an Easy Bake oven.

She also received an invitation to visit an 11-year-old boy in Fort Worth, Texas, and a request to put her husband on the phone. "He's not here right now. But you know what, I will tell him you asked about him. OK?" she replied.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command, a joint U.S.-Canada command responsible for protecting the skies over both nations, tracks Santa from its home at Peterson Air Force Base.

NORAD and its predecessor have been fielding Christmas Eve phone calls from children ? and a few adults ? since 1955. That's when a newspaper ad listed the wrong phone number for kids to call Santa. Callers ended up getting the Continental Air Defense Command, which later became NORAD. CONAD commanders played along, and the ritual has been repeated every year since.

After 57 years, NORAD can predict what most kids will ask. Its 11-page playbook for volunteers includes a list of nearly 20 questions and answers, including how old is Santa (at least 16 centuries) and has Santa ever crashed into anything (no).

But kids still manage to ask the unexpected, including, "Does Santa leave presents for dogs?"

A sampling of anecdotes from the program this year:


THE REAL DEAL: A young boy called to ask if Santa was real.

Air Force Maj. Jamie Humphries, who took the call, said, "I'm 37 years old, and I believe in Santa, and if you believe in him as well, then he must be real."

The boy turned from the phone and yelled to others in the room, "I told you guys he was real!"


DON'T WORRY, HE'LL FIND YOU: Glenn Barr took a call from a 10-year-old who wasn't sure if he would be sleeping at his mom's house or his dad's and was worried about whether Santa would find him.

"I told him Santa would know where he was and not to worry," Barr said.

Another child asked if he was on the nice list or the naughty list.

"That's a closely guarded secret, and only Santa knows," Barr replied.


TOYS IN HEAVEN: A boy who called from Missouri asked when Santa would drop off toys in heaven.

His mother got on the line and explained to Jennifer Eckels, who took the call, that the boy's younger sister died this year.

"He kept saying 'in heaven,'" Eckels said. She told him, "I think Santa headed there first thing."


BEST OF: Choice questions and comments wound up posted on a flip chart.

"Big sister wanted to add her 3-year-old brother to the naughty list," one read.

"Are there police elves?" said another.

"How much to adopt one of Santa's reindeer?"

"What's the best way to booby-trap the living room to trap Santa?"

"When you see Santa, tell him hello for me, I never see him."

"How does Santa make iPads?"


INTERNATIONAL FLAVOR: NORAD got calls from 220 countries and territories last year, and non-English-speakers called this year as well.

Volunteers who speak other languages get green Santa hats and a placard listing their languages so organizers can find them quickly.

"Need a Spanish speaker!" one organizer called as he rushed out of one of three phone rooms.


HE KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE AWAKE: At NORAD's suggestion, volunteers often tell callers that Santa won't drop off the presents until all the kids in the home are asleep.

"Ohhhhhhh," said an 8-year-old from Illinois, as if trying to digest a brand-new fact.

"I'm going to be asleep by 4 o'clock," said a child from Virginia.

"Thank you so much for that information," said a grateful mom from Michigan.


CHRISTMAS EVE IN AFGHANISTAN: Five U.S. service personnel answered calls from Afghanistan for about 90 minutes through a conferencing hookup.

"They had a great time," said Novobilski, the program spokeswoman.

NORAD wanted to set up a call center in Afghanistan but that proved too complex, she said.


HEY, MR. ELF: "Mr. Elf," said one caller, "This is Adam, and I've been really good this year."


FOR GEARHEADS: For people who want to know the specs of Santa's sleigh, NORAD offers a trove of tidbits, including:

Weight at takeoff: 75,000 GD (gumdrops).

Propulsion: 9 RP (reindeer power).

Fuel: Hay, oats and carrots (for reindeer).

Emissions: Classified.



Track Santa online at


Follow Dan Elliott at

Associated Press


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Pope Christmas Eve Mass 2012: Find Room For God

By Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY, Dec 24 (Reuters) - Pope Benedict, leading the world's Roman Catholics into Christmas, on Monday urged people to find room for God in their fast-paced lives filled with the latest technological gadgets.

The 85-year-old pope, marking the eighth Christmas season of his pontificate, celebrated a solemn Christmas Eve mass in St Peter's Basilica, during which he appealed for a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict and an end to the civil war in Syria.

At the mass for some 10,000 people in the basilica and broadcast to millions of others on television, the pope wove his homily around the theme of God's place in today's modern world.

"Do we have time and space for him? Do we not actually turn away God himself? We begin to do so when we have no time for him," said the pope, wearing gold and white vestments.

"The faster we can move, the more efficient our time-saving appliances become, the less time we have. And God? The question of God never seems urgent. Our time is already completely full," he said.

The leader of the world's some 1.2 billion Roman Catholics said societies had reached the point where many people's thinking processes did not leave any room even for the existence of God.

"Even if he seems to knock at the door of our thinking, he has to be explained away. If thinking is to be taken seriously, it must be structured in such a way that the 'God hypothesis' becomes superfluous," he said.

"There is no room for him. Not even in our feelings and desires is there any room for him. We want ourselves. We want what we can seize hold of, we want happiness that is within our reach, we want our plans and purposes to succeed. We are so 'full' of ourselves that there is no room left for God."


Bells inside and outside the basilica chimed when the pope said "Glory to God in the Highest," the words the gospels say the angels sang at the moment of Jesus' birth.

Earlier on Monday the pope appeared at the window of his apartments in the apostolic palace and lit a peace candle, as a larger-than-life nativity scene was unveiled in St Peter's Square below.

Reflecting on the gospel account of Jesus born in a stable because there was no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn, he said when people find no room for God in their lives, they will soon find no room for others.

"Let us ask the Lord that we may become vigilant for his presence, that we may hear how softly yet insistently he knocks at the door of our being and willing.

"Let us ask that we may make room for him within ourselves, that we may recognise him also in those through whom he speaks to us: children, the suffering, the abandoned, those who are excluded and the poor of this world," he said.

He asked for prayers for the people who "live and suffer" in the Holy Land today.

The pope called for peace among Israelis and Palestinians and for the people of Syria, Lebanon and Iraq and prayed that "Christians in those lands where our faith was born may be able to continue living there, that Christians and Muslims may build up their countries side-by-side in God's peace."

The Vatican is concerned about the exodus from the Middle East of Christians, many of whom leave because they fear for their safety. Christians now comprise five percent of the population of the region, down from 20 percent a century ago.

According to some estimates, the current population of 12 million Christians in the Middle East could halve by 2020 if security and birth rates continue to decline.

At noon (1100 GMT/6 AM ET) the pope will deliver his twice-yearly "Urbi et Orbi" (to the city and the world) blessing and message from the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica. (Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Myra MacDonald)

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Friday 21 December 2012

Consumer spending rises by most in three years

1 hr.

Consumer spending rose in November by the most in three years and a gauge of planned business spending jumped, signs that households and companies are shrugging off some of the fears tighter fiscal policy could cause a recession.?

The Commerce Department said on Friday inflation-adjusted consumer spending rose 0.6 percent, while after-tax income climbed 0.8 percent when adjusting for changes in prices.?

Many economists think business and consumers are wary of automatic government spending cuts and tax increases scheduled to kick in early next year, a scenario known in Washington as the "fiscal cliff."?

"The economy is holding in here at the end of the year despite the concerns about the fiscal cliff," said Gary Thayer, an economic strategist at Wells Fargo Advisors in St. Louis.?

Economists have been expecting economic growth will slow in the fourth quarter as companies slow the pace at which they re-stock their shelves, but the data on spending suggests consumers are offsetting some of that drag.?

Consumer spending grew at just a 1.6 percent annual rate in the third quarter. Real spending declined in October, but November's gain was the strongest since August 2009.?

That suggested purchases by consumers were not taking the hit many expected due to growing fears that going over the fiscal cliff will push the economy into recession. However, consumer confidence declined sharply in early December.?

Late on Thursday, a Republican proposal for averting the fiscal cliff was abandoned, further eroding optimism that a deal would be reached quickly.?

U.S. stocks were sharply lower after the proposal was dropped.?

Spending before taking into account changes in prices rose 0.4 percent. Economists polled by Reuters had expected nominal consumer spending would rise 0.3 percent last month.?

In a separate Commerce Department report, a gauge of planned U.S. business spending rose much more than expected in November, a hint that worries over tighter fiscal policy may not be holding back the factory sector as much as feared.?

Non-defense capital goods orders excluding aircraft, a closely watched proxy for investment plans, jumped 2.7 percent last month, the second straight month of solid gains.?

Economists had expected so-called core capital goods orders to rise just 0.3 percent. The reading for October was upwardly revised to a 3.2 percent gain from a previously reported 2.9 percent increase.?

Shipments of non-defense capital goods orders excluding aircraft, used to calculate equipment and software spending in the gross domestic product report, gained 1.8 percent.?

Many economists believe businesses, wary of the fiscal cliff, have been cutting back on capital spending.?

Going over the cliff could drain about $600 billion from an already fragile economy.?

Overall durable goods orders rose 0.7 percent in November, with increases posted for machinery, fabricated metal products, and computer and electronic products offsetting a drag from aircraft.?

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast orders for durable goods, items from toasters to aircraft that are meant to last at least three years, rising 0.2 percent last month.?

Excluding transportation, orders rose 1.6 percent in November. Transport orders were down 1.1 percent. Previously, U.S. manufacturer Boeing reported new orders for its aircraft fell in November to 124 from 152 in the prior month.?

New orders for autos jumped 3.5 percent. U.S. auto sales in November raced to a five-year high for that month on a rebound from storm-ravaged October and the need to replace aging vehicles.?

The Commerce Department gave no indication that Superstorm Sandy, which lashed the East Coast in late October, had any impact on either of the economic reports.?


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Wednesday 19 December 2012

Donations needed for Chelan family burned out of home | The ...

CHELAN ? A family of three who was burned out of their Chelan trailer home early Sunday morning needs donations of clothing and toiletries.

Community members and the non-profit Give Naked have established a drop-off location for those donations at Wilbur Ellis in Chelan, 1680 Willmorth Drive.

The fire at 80 Apple Acres Road was reported at 4:27 a.m. Sunday. The cause of the fire was an overheated electrical system, probably created by continuously-run space heaters, said Tim Lemon, chief of Fire District 7 in Chelan. He said a nearby trailer also suffered smoke damage but no one was injured in the fire.

Cherylann Crego, director of the Chelan nonprofit organization Give Naked, said Alondra Medina-Martinez, 17, and her husband and 20-month-old son were awoken by smoke and got out of the trailer with only the clothes they were wearing. The name of the husband and child were not available.

?They had no time to grab anything and they lost their car, all their government ID and documentation,? Crego said.

Medina-Martinez wears medium to large shirts, size 7 to 8 pants and size 7 1/2 shoes. Her boy wears size 4. Her husband, who works outside, needs extra large shirts, wears size 10 1/2 shoes, and wears pants size 34 by 32.

Crego said this is the second tragedy this year for Medina-Martinez. Her mother, Angelica M. Medina Aguilar, 38, and brother, Guadalupe Medina Aguilar, 4, were killed in a car accident Oct. 23 near Chelan.

For more information on how to help the family, call Crego at 387-5563.

? Dee Riggs, World staff

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Tuesday 18 December 2012

The War Z receives hostile Steam release

The War Z

At the end of last month Hammerpoint Interactive revealed?that their zombie survival gamer The War Z would be coming to steam. Today the game went live on Steam and has received an incredibly hostile reception from the Steam gaming community. ?The War Z has had a rough ride in the past few months, getting labelled everything from a DayZ ripoff to a scam.

There were stories flying around a few weeks ago accusing Hammerpoint of ditching the game if it didn?t reach their user targets and players getting banned from their forums for trivial reasons with no chance of a refund. This all surfaced when one of the voluntary moderators was banned from the official forums after his moderator account was hacked.The moderator posted a rather scathing Youtube video highlighting the problems with the game and Hammerpoint. He then rather oddly?publicly apologised for his comments this week.

Fact or fiction, the comments made by one individual has raised alarm bells with anyone interested in the game. Some of the rumours surrounding the game have been unfounded, but they?ve once again been raised by the community on Steam and litter the Steam community forums for the game to try an warn players before purchasing.

There is the question of whether The War Z should actually be live on Steam for sale as the game is quite incomplete at the moment. For example?

The blurb for the game p0sted in the Steam page cites ?A Huge Persistent World: The War Z is an open world game. Each world has areas between 100 to 400 square kilometers.? This in fact is not currently correct. There is only one zone open which was only recently expanded out in size.

There are no private servers yet, the player cap is not currently 100 per server (last time we checked) and PvE servers are not yet live. As you can see, the sales pitch on the product page is inaccurate and gamers should be warned not to expect too much from the game if they buy it now.

In our opinion it?s just too early for The WarZ to be getting a Steam release, the Hammerpoint team have a lot of big ideas for the game but updates have ?slow during the testing phase causing a lot of frustration for those who have been testing/playing the version currently in testing. ?Hammerpoint still have a lot of work to do.

The game can be purchased on Steam now for??9.89,??13.49 with 2100 gold credits and??29.69 with 7500 gold credits.



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Monday 17 December 2012

People with HIV hospitalized less often since combination antiretroviral drug therapy introduced

People with HIV hospitalized less often since combination antiretroviral drug therapy introduced [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Dec-2012
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Contact: Leslie Shepherd
St. Michael's Hospital

Women with HIV are still hospitalized more than men with HIV as are low-income people with HIV compared with high-income people with HIV

TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2012People with HIV are being hospitalized in Ontario significantly less often than they were 15 years ago when combination antiretroviral drug therapy (cART) was introduced, new research has found.

However, women with HIV are still hospitalized more than men with HIV as are low-income people with HIV compared with high-income people with HIV, according to a study by Tony Antoniou, a pharmacist and researcher in the Department of Family Medicine at St. Michael's Hospital.

Immigrants with HIV who had been in Ontario three years or less had lower rates of hospital admissions than Canadian-born people with HIV or immigrants who had been in Ontario longer than three years.

His study was conducted using data at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and appears in the online journal Open Medicine.

Combination antiretroviral drug therapy, introduced in 1996-97, involves the use of three or more drugs to lower the amount of HIV in the body and prevent the progression of AIDS and death.

"Although our study is overall a 'good news' story for persons with HIV in Ontario, the differences in rates of hospitalization over the past decade suggest that women and low-income individuals living with HIV may face challenges accessing medication and community-based care," said Dr. Antoniou.

While rates of all hospital admissions among all persons with HIV in Ontario declined by about 2 per cent per year between 2002 and 2008, rates in women and low-income persons with HIV were 15 per cent and 21 per cent higher than those of men and high-income patients, respectively, during this period. In addition, rates of hospital admission attributable to HIV itself were 30 per cent higher in low-income persons with HIV relative to high-income persons.

Dr. Antoniou said he believes that universal access to life-saving anti-HIV treatments would be one way to address these disparities, but that, "We need to do more research to understand and address the root causes of these differences, to ensure that all persons with HIV are able to benefit equally from the advances that have been made in managing this illness."


About St. Michael's Hospital

St. Michael's Hospital provides compassionate care to all who enter its doors. The hospital also provides outstanding medical education to future health care professionals in more than 23 academic disciplines. Critical care and trauma, heart disease, neurosurgery, diabetes, cancer care, and care of the homeless are among the Hospital's recognized areas of expertise. Through the Keenan Research Centre and the Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Center, which make up the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, research and education at St. Michael's Hospital are recognized and make an impact around the world. Founded in 1892, the hospital is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto.

For more information or to interview Dr. Antoniou, please contact:

Leslie Shepherd
Manager, Media Strategy
St. Michael's Hospital
Phone: 416-864-6094 or 647-300-1753


Kate Taylor
Communications Adviser
St. Michael's Hospital
Phone: 416-864-6060 x. 6537

Inspired Care. Inspiring Science

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

People with HIV hospitalized less often since combination antiretroviral drug therapy introduced [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Dec-2012
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Contact: Leslie Shepherd
St. Michael's Hospital

Women with HIV are still hospitalized more than men with HIV as are low-income people with HIV compared with high-income people with HIV

TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2012People with HIV are being hospitalized in Ontario significantly less often than they were 15 years ago when combination antiretroviral drug therapy (cART) was introduced, new research has found.

However, women with HIV are still hospitalized more than men with HIV as are low-income people with HIV compared with high-income people with HIV, according to a study by Tony Antoniou, a pharmacist and researcher in the Department of Family Medicine at St. Michael's Hospital.

Immigrants with HIV who had been in Ontario three years or less had lower rates of hospital admissions than Canadian-born people with HIV or immigrants who had been in Ontario longer than three years.

His study was conducted using data at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and appears in the online journal Open Medicine.

Combination antiretroviral drug therapy, introduced in 1996-97, involves the use of three or more drugs to lower the amount of HIV in the body and prevent the progression of AIDS and death.

"Although our study is overall a 'good news' story for persons with HIV in Ontario, the differences in rates of hospitalization over the past decade suggest that women and low-income individuals living with HIV may face challenges accessing medication and community-based care," said Dr. Antoniou.

While rates of all hospital admissions among all persons with HIV in Ontario declined by about 2 per cent per year between 2002 and 2008, rates in women and low-income persons with HIV were 15 per cent and 21 per cent higher than those of men and high-income patients, respectively, during this period. In addition, rates of hospital admission attributable to HIV itself were 30 per cent higher in low-income persons with HIV relative to high-income persons.

Dr. Antoniou said he believes that universal access to life-saving anti-HIV treatments would be one way to address these disparities, but that, "We need to do more research to understand and address the root causes of these differences, to ensure that all persons with HIV are able to benefit equally from the advances that have been made in managing this illness."


About St. Michael's Hospital

St. Michael's Hospital provides compassionate care to all who enter its doors. The hospital also provides outstanding medical education to future health care professionals in more than 23 academic disciplines. Critical care and trauma, heart disease, neurosurgery, diabetes, cancer care, and care of the homeless are among the Hospital's recognized areas of expertise. Through the Keenan Research Centre and the Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Center, which make up the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, research and education at St. Michael's Hospital are recognized and make an impact around the world. Founded in 1892, the hospital is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto.

For more information or to interview Dr. Antoniou, please contact:

Leslie Shepherd
Manager, Media Strategy
St. Michael's Hospital
Phone: 416-864-6094 or 647-300-1753


Kate Taylor
Communications Adviser
St. Michael's Hospital
Phone: 416-864-6060 x. 6537

Inspired Care. Inspiring Science

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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New bragging rights? | FemFusion Fitness

Recently, I passed the tests required to become a:

Certified Healthy Foot Practitioner

and a

I am thrilled to be able to add these endorsements to my resume, and hopefully they will help YOU feel even more confident about my skills and knowledge-base if you follow my YouTube videos or attend my FemFusion group fitness classes.

Just a bit about my new certifications:?

I received my Healthy Foot Practitioner? training through the Restorative?Exercise Institute. The training involves a thorough education of foot?mechanics, how foot function affects whole-body health, and the role of?footwear on foot health and foot pain. If you live in my local area (Kaiserslautern, Germany), watch for a special workshop about these very issues coming up in January or February, 2013!

I received my perinatal fitness training through the Healthy Moms? Advanced Perinatal Fitness?Instructor Training Course. The training includes in-depth education about the physiology and special fitness needs surrounding pregnancy, including pre-conception, pregnancy, and postpartum.

My perinatal fitness training reinforced the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle during AND BEFORE pregnancy. Later this week I?ll be posting about pre-conceptual fitness for those of you who may be considering pregnancy in the near future.?


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Pet Diamonds: Companies Turning Departed Pets Into Precious ...

For those pet owners who have lost their beloved pets, there are companies who turn departed pets into gems, to give pet owners the chance to remember their pets everyday. Though it might sound creepy to most of us, there are pet lovers who have found solace in wearing jewelry made out of diamonds made from the cremated remains from their deceased feline companion. But for other pet owners, living pets can make for jewels, too, using sample of hairs.

Pet Diamonds

Pet Diamonds

Malden's Home For The Holidays Street Hockey Tournament ...

Nokia Lumia 510 will skip Mango, land with Windows Phone 7.8 on board

Nokia Lumia 510 will skip Mango, land with Windows Phone 78 on board

Nokia's Lumia 510 was toting Mango when we saw it last, but it seems the affordable smartphone will be hitting Indian stores with Windows Phone 7.8 instead. The new iteration, which is starting to filter down to other Lumia handsets, boasts a smorgasbord of new goods including resizable home screen tiles and 20 accent colors, with Espoo likely to add a few Lumia-specific features such as an enhanced set of camera lenses and improved contact sharing. While the lure of something lurking between WP7.8 and the more child-friendly version 8 could spice up the deal further, budget-minded Indian customers coveting a newer Windows Phone operating system might not have to wait till the New Year.

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Source: BGR India


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Former New Mexico Secretary of Corrections Adolph B. Saenz Shares a No Holds Barred Account of Hell in a Santa Fe Prison

New book delves into the bloodiest prison uprising in U.S. penal history.

Albuquerque, NM (PRWEB) December 17, 2012

On February 2, 1980, the Santa Fe Penitentiary erupted into the bloodiest, most savage prison riot in U.S. history? What caused the 1980 nightmare and was there nothing that could have been done to stop the inmates? savagery?

Many books have been written about the murderous rampage that happened at the New Mexico State Penitentiary in 1980. However, only Adolph B. Saenz?s book is the only one that offers a political perspective on this tragic event. Politics of a Prison Riot, Vol. II represents the most comprehensive and accurate account of the 1980 bloody uprising that took place in the Santa Fe, New Mexico State Prison and is valid history.

?The shocking details on the violence and the politics are true. This new account provides the raw data on the brutality of the prison uprising with no holds barred. The story may be offensive for some and controversial for others but it is well documented. After all, I was there,? shares Saenz.

Politics of a Prison Riot, Vol. II is the author?s honest effort to write the unencumbered true story of the bloodiest prison uprising in United States penal history. The new revelations illustrate the truly horrific nature of the violence and the corrupt politics surrounding the human tragedy.

For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to

About the Author

Adolph Saenz, the author of two books, The Ops Story And Politics Of A Prison Riot, was appointed Cabinet Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Corrections two days before the bloody prison uprising of 1980 in Santa Fe. He retired from Federal Service after 30 years. He served as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer and in high level law enforcement positions in the U.S. Treasury Department and U.S. Customs Service. He has served in four wars, as an underage U.S. Marine in WWII, as a USAF Intelligence Officer in the Korean War, and as a Foreign Service Officer in the Cold War and the Iraq War. He was acknowledged as an expert in kidnapping investigations by the U.S. Department of State and in counter-terrorist operations. He graduated from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor's degree in Bus Admin and a Masters degree in Pub Admin.

Politics of a Prison Riot, Vol. II * by Adolph B. Saenz

Publication Date: December 10, 2012

REVISED SECOND VERSION New Undisclosed Facts A Comprehensive New Complete Version Hell in a Santa Fe Prison The Bloodiest Prison Uprising in U. S. Penal History.

Trade Paperback; $19.99; 165 pages; 978-1-4797-3183-1

Trade Hardback; $29.99; 165 pages; 978-1-4797-3184-8

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Modest Andre Johnson Jersey Enterprise Loans: Qualification and ...

Posted by HugleOlaya on December 16, 2012 in Articles with No Comments

If you?re beginning a new enterprise, a modest company loan might help you get began by offering working capital to create a retailer, acquire inventory, or promote your business. But how does a modest company loan advantage you in genuine terms, and do you even qualify to get a loan

What?s a Tiny Enterprise Loan

By definition, a modest company loan is really a particular quantity of funds that is borrowed by an individual who desires to start or operate his or her personal company. It?s generally a type of personal loan given by lenders to small organization owners.

You?ll find many kinds of tiny Andre Johnson Jersey organization loans. Unsecured business loans are issued by a lender based on your credit alone with no any sort of collateral. Typically, you?ll need a high credit score along with a quite very good credit history at the same time as have a stable personal finance scenario.

There is certainly also business financing that could be according to collateral such as actual estate collateral, a car or property which is free and clear of debt, and so forth. Then, there is certainly a commercial true estate finance loan for which cash is granted for any commercial property that is certainly to be utilized for enterprise. There is also an enterprise line of credit, that is a fixed, predetermined amount of credit that an organization can borrow against as demands arise. The borrower will only be required to spend interest on the amount employed.

Benefits of Modest Enterprise Loans

Acquiring a small enterprise loan for the new organization can bring relief in several ways. It could provide you with working capital to help create your business, promote it, and keep inventory. It might also help together with the expenses of hiring workers if required at the start off. A small organization loan allows you to grow your new company without having the financial stresses of a new enterprise. Also, the interest on a tiny business loan is tax deductible.

Little Organization Loan Qualifications

After you comprehend how enterprise financing operates, you have to take into account whether or not or not you may qualify. It?s excellent to know this prior to you apply so that your credit background won?t show several credit checks and inquiries from lenders, which can lower your credit score for the future.

Initial, be certain your private credit background is in order. Learn your credit score by requesting a copy of your credit report. There are numerous on the internet resources obtainable to examine your personal credit history. Also, make certain your private bill and loan payment histories have already been Andre Johnson Jersey constant and on time over the previous two years or a lot more. Little company lenders are most likely to base your approval in your personal credit history, particularly in case you don?t provide collateral.

Subsequent, ask the lender directly about their company loan qualifications. This can get rid of any queries inside your thoughts ahead of applying.

Locating a Lender

Do some study to locate a tiny company lender that is appropriate for you personally. Verify around on-line for rates of interest, modest business loan plans and qualifications, and for flexibility. Some lenders will supply creative tiny business loan alternatives to operate together with your specific scenario. Some lenders make it straightforward to acquire approved even though other individuals make it almost impossible. Look J J Watt Jersey to get a lender which is easy to work with from the start. Ask about early pay-offs, lines of credit, versatile financing, guaranteed rates of interest, and any fees you may incur by employing their services.

Maintain these suggestions in mind as you search for modest organization finance options. You are going to be on the road to results in no time!

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Sunday 9 December 2012

Send messages of thanks, holiday cheer to troops now through Dec. 7

(KFVS) - The American Red Cross will be collecting and distributing cards that send words of encouragement, gratitude and cheer to America's heroes for the holiday season.

The Red Cross is inviting the public to send messages of thanks and holiday cheer until Dec. 7 by mailing them to:

Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456

To ensure that cards are delivered on time for the holidays, the Red Cross says they must be postmarked no later than Dec. 7. Individuals are asked to refrain from sending "care packages," monetary donations or using glitter or any other kinds of inserts with the cards.

According to the Red Cross, the company Pitney Bowes Inc. receives cards at the special Holiday Mail post office box, and screens them for hazardous materials. The company screens, packages and ships the cards at no charge.

Red Cross volunteers across the United States and on military installations overseas then sort and deliver the cards throughout the holiday season. The Red Cross and Pitney Bowes have received and distributed more than 4.7 million cards for members of the U.S. Armed Forces, veterans and their families since the program began in 2006.

For more information, you can click here to visit the Red Cross online.

Copyright 2012?KFVS. All rights reserved.


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Saturday 8 December 2012

Mich. legislators defy unions, OK right-to-work

LANSING, Mich. (AP) ? In an audacious flex of political muscle, Republicans in a single day reached the brink of a goal that for years has seemed an all-but-impossible dream: making the labor bastion of Michigan a right-to-work state.

The GOP majority used its superior numbers and backing from Gov. Rick Snyder to ramrod legislation through the House and Senate on Thursday, brushing aside denunciations and walkouts by helpless Democrats and cries of outrage from union activists who swarmed the state Capitol hallways and grounds. At one point, police used pepper spray to subdue demonstrators who tried to rush the Senate chamber.

"Shame! Shame on you!" protesters chorused from the gallery as the Senate voted. Earlier, security guards removed a man who yelled, "Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! That's what you people are." Another shouted, "We will remember in November."

The right-to-work laws would prohibit what are known as "closed shops," in which workers are required to join a union or pay fees that are equivalent to union dues as a condition of employment.

Michigan could become the 24th state with a right-to-work law next week. Rules require a five-day wait before the House and Senate vote on each other's bills; lawmakers are scheduled to reconvene Tuesday and Snyder has pledged to sign the bills into law.

A victory in Michigan, a cradle of organized labor, would give the right-to-work movement its strongest foothold yet in the Rust Belt, where the 2010 election and tea party movement produced assertive Republican majorities that have dealt unions one body blow after another.

But compared with Indiana and Wisconsin, where votes to curb union rights followed weeks or months of pitched battles, Michigan acted in the blink of an eye. GOP legislative leaders were saying as late as Wednesday that it was uncertain whether the issue would come up in a lame-duck session moving toward adjournment. Snyder had said repeatedly since his election two years ago that the topic was divisive and not on his agenda.

Thursday morning, however, the governor called a news conference with House Speaker Jase Bolger and Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville to announce that not only would right-to-work legislation be considered, it would be placed on a fast track. By sundown, bills had been introduced and passed without committee votes or public hearings.

Republicans insisted the measures had been given adequate consideration, saying the topic was familiar ? particularly after the protracted campaign that preceded voters' overwhelming November rejection of a proposed constitutional amendment that would have barred right-to-work laws.

"We've come to the point where this issue is on the table," Snyder told The Associated Press in an interview. "It's time to step up and make a decision and not let this fester."

He and legislative leaders denied opponents' contentions that the bills were designed to weaken unions by depriving them of funds needed to bargain effectively or were retaliation for the ballot initiative, which organized labor spearheaded. They said a "freedom to work" law would make unions more responsive to members' needs and give employees freedom to decide whether to accept union representation.

"This does not change collective bargaining and this is not anti-union," Bolger said. "It is pro-worker."

Senate Majority Floor Leader Arlan Meekhof said a number of factors influenced the decision to push ahead, including Snyder's endorsement and the ballot initiative, which put right-to-work in the spotlight. Primarily, however, Republicans recognized they had enough votes to capture a long-sought prize, he said.

"I wouldn't say there was a sense of urgency, but a sense of opportunity," Meekhof said.

Democrats contended Republicans, who lost five House seats in the November election, wanted to act before a new legislature takes office next month. In passionate floor speeches, they accused the majority of ignoring the message from voters and bowing to right-wing interest groups.

"These guys have lied to us all along the way," Senate Democratic leader Gretchen Whitmer said. "They are pushing through the most divisive legislation they could come up with in the dark of night, at the end of a lame-duck session and then they're going to hightail it out of town. It's cowardly."

Eight protesters were arrested for resisting and obstructing, state police Inspector Gene Adamczyk said. At one point, officers barred entry to the Capitol as a safety measure, saying the building was overcrowded. It was reopened after unions successfully petitioned Ingham County Circuit Judge Joyce Draganchuk for an order overturning the move.

In the end, the bills sailed through ? even though some Republicans were opposed. The Senate approved a measure dealing with private-sector workers 22-16. As Democrats stormed out of the chamber, a second bill applying to government employees was passed, 22-4.

The House approved a private-sector employee bill 58-52. Both chambers are expected to approve two identical measures next week. Leaders said they would include exemptions for police and firefighters, who are covered by existing law requiring binding arbitration for their labor disputes.

A $1 million appropriation was tacked onto the bills for what a House spokesman described as implementation and worker education activities. Spending bills are legally protected from being overturned by statewide referendums.

United Auto Workers President Bob King, who joined the protesting crowd, said the bills' passage was "a very partisan, polarizing attack."

A White House spokesman said President Barack Obama continues to oppose right-to-work laws.

"Michigan ? and its workers' role in the revival of the U.S. automobile industry ? is a prime example of how unions have helped build a strong middle class and a strong American economy," the spokesman said.


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You! Be Inspired! ? Best Video Game Characters - You The Designer

Video games now play an integral part of a person?s lifestyle. Video games are no longer reserved for kids or the young at heart but are now a mainstream form of entertainment for people of all ages. And especially now that video games are no longer confined to high end gaming consoles but are now also found on highly portable devices such as laptops, tablets and even mobile phones and multimedia players.

Moreover, game titles nowadays cater to a more flexible fan base. Aside from the classic game genres that include adventure, racing and puzzle, there are now first person shooter games, role playing games, survival horror, simulation and strategy games. Graphics have also improved immensely throughout the years as newer and more powerful hardware are now available to ordinary people.

But apart from the excellent graphics and great storylines, a major factor that make up a good game are the characters where the story of the entire game is centered. Throughout the history of computer games, there have been numerous characters that have made a name for themselves as iconic symbols of a generation or as admired characters with almost celebrity-like statuses.

In today?s edition of You! Be Inspired! we are going to take a look at (in no particular order) 15 of the most successful, most popular and most recognized video game characters that have graced our computers, handheld gaming consoles or other gaming devices one might have played in the past.





Gordon Freeman is the main protagonist in the highly successful first person shooter game ? Half life. In the game, he works as a theoretical physicist at the fictional Black Mesa Research Facility, a research laboratory involved in various hi-tech experiments, one of which lead to the accidental creation of an inter-dimensional portal that released a legion of hostile aliens into the facility. As Gordon, the player fights through the facility alongside other employees against aliens and a black-op military unit sent to contain the situation and eliminate any witnesses.




Prince of Persia is a video game franchise first released on October 3, 1989 and was created by Jordan Mechner. It was originally made as a two-dimensional platform game, but was later improved and recreated as a series of 3D games which were developed and published by several different companies. Because of this, the entire franchise has undergone several reworkings and a number of different stories are told throughout the different games, but the theme remains relatively the same. That is the game is set in ancient Persia and features a prince with amazing acrobatic skills which he uses to save the main plot element.





Tekken which means Iron Fist in Japanese is a fighting game franchise developed and created by Namco in 1994. As a fighting game it features a myriad of characters from mixed martial arts experts, a weird looking samurai and even a giant panda. But the franchise?s most popular character would probably be Jin Kazama. Jin was designed by Aye Takamura and voiced by Isshin Chiba.





Ryu is the main protagonist in the Street Fighter franchise. He was created by Manabu Takemura and has been voiced by more than a dozen different people both in its English and Japanese versions. Ryu?s first appearance was on the first street fighter game which was released in 1987. Aside from video games, the Street Fighter franchise have also allowed Ryu to and the rest of the characters of the game to be known in other forms of media such as in movies, animation and manga.





Donkey Kong is one of the gaming industry?s classic characters. Being one of the pioneers in the business, Donkey Kong first appeared in the 1981 video game of the same name. He was created by Shigeru Miyamoto and has been voiced by Koichi Yamadara and Takashi Nagasako. Donkey Kong has also appeared in various Nintendo games, mostly in Mario franchises like Mario Kart and the Super Smash Bros. series.





Leon Kennedy is one of the most notable characters in Capcom?s Resident Evil game series. His first appearance was in Resident Evil 2 as a police office in Raccoon City. Leon?s creators, Hideki Kamiya and Noboru Sugimura originally envisioned him as a senior police officer but were later changed when the original plot for Resident Evil 2 was scrapped. Leon?s design was inspired by the bloodhound of Isao Ohishi in Resident Evil 2 but was later modeled in Resident Evil 4 after Christian Deurre, the game?s animation department director.





Dante is the mercenary and demon hunter protagonist of Capcom?s Devil May Cry video game series.? He was designed by Hideki Kamiya as a half demon who is tasked to exterminate demons and other malevolent supernatural foes as he tries to pursue the demons that killed his mother and corrupted his brother.





Pacman is the main protagonist of the Pacman game franchise which was created by Toru Iwatani for Namco in the 1980s. According to its creator, Pacman?s design came from the simplification and the rounding out of the Japanese character for a mouth ? kuchi, while its name was based on the Japanese folklore character Paku who was known for his appetite. In the original arcade game, Pacman was represented as a 2D yellow circle with a large mouth. In today?s version, Pacman is seen as a full-three dimensional character with hands and feet.





Another very popular game character in gaming history is Mega Man. Mega Man otherwise known as Rock Man is the main character in Capcom?s series of video games of the same name. The Mega Man franchise is one of Capcom?s most successful game series with over fifty releases throughout its production. The character of Mega Man was created by Akira Kitamura, Tokuro Fujiwara and Keijii Inafune and was first released on December 1987.





Sonic the Hedgehog is the pride and glory of the Japanese game developer Sega. His first appearance was in his self-titled game on June 1991. According to most history books, his creation was primarily Sega?s response to Nintendo?s flagship character Mario way back in 1991 when Sega needed a mascot to rival Nintendo?s Italian plumber. Since then, this blue hedgehog designed by Yuji Naka has appeared as a playable character in numerous game titles and has achieved celebrity status and become one of the most well-known video game characters in history.





Another super popular game character is Link from the Legend of Zelda. He is usually depicted as a young boy from the Hylian race who combats creatures and evil forces in the game to save Princess Zelda and her Kingdom from the primary villain of the game ? Ganon. Link first appeared in the game Legend of Zelda in 1986 and was created by Shigeru Miyamoto.





Samus Aran is another product of Nintendo and is the main fictional character of the Metroid game series. He was first introduced in 1986 and is depicted as a large man fitted by a powered armor suit equipped with weapons like beams and missiles. In the series, she executes mission given by the Galactic Federation while hunting Space Pirates and Metroids.





Cloud Strife was created by Tetsuya Nomura for the Final Fantasy VII game and several of its sequels and spin-offs. He is characterized by having a spikey blond hair, striking blue eyes, dark clothing and wielding a massive sword. Cloud Strife was created by Tetsuya Nomura in 1997 and voiced by Takihiro Sakurai, Kenyu Horiuchi and Nozomu Sasaki in various game titles.





Lara Croft is another Square Enix?s creation and plays the primary character in the Tomb Raider game series. She was created by Core design, a defunct game developer back in 1996. She is usually depicted as an intelligent, beautiful and athletic English adventurer who ventures into ancient temples and ruins in search of treasures and valuable artifacts.





Mario is the Italian-American plumber of Nintendo?s Mario video game franchise. This character was created by Shigeru Miyamoto in 1981. Mario has appeared in over 200 video games since his creation and has been considered as one of the most popular and iconic video game character in history. In terms of design, Mario is usually depicted as a short Italian plumber who resides in the Mushroom Kingdom where the turtle-like villain Bowser kidnaps Princess Peach in order to take over the kingdom. Aside from the classic adventure game, Mario has appeared in several game genres including racing, puzzle, party, role-playing, fighting and sports.



?Honorable Mentions:


So there you have it. Which video game character is your favorite? Do tell us by leaving a comment below. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus. And for more design-related stories, you can always subscribe to our blog using this link. Lastly, you might want to check out our print templates page for an amazing set of freebies. Specifically, an amazing set of blank print templates, all of which can be downloaded absolutely FREE!


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