Tuesday 17 January 2012

Hey-ho, this is DeathGodKyo signing in

Hey everybody. I'm DeathGodKyo, said username being a sort of evolution from a previous username on other sites, which was YamiKyoKitty. Yami is based on the Japanese word for Darkness and the alter-ego of Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh went by said name, Kyo is my favorite online name, and... DeathGod replaces Kitty and Yami as a pretty fair and more serious exchange. Yeah.

I found this place from within the depths of the magical land of Google while searching for war-based roleplays. Hmmm, I wonder if I'm going to be hypothetically stabbed for that. Anyway, yeah. I like roleplaying, though Google doesn't seem to have a forum activity perception, so I've spent the past few months shuffling through inactive forums. Ouch, I just got bit by my lack of pride. *Emo voice* Somehow I've been pulled into this site well enough, but I'm questioning activity here as well.

I've been roleplaying for many lifespans. Really? No. I have a few years of experience under my belt but honestly, I'm not even that good, though I do at least try my best. Where did I start and gain interest? D&D. Nothing further. Also, most of my roleplaying experience has been, admittedly, forum-based and usually rather short term, accounting for my lack of skill.

I tread upon the ever-so-magical grounds of kittens and squirrels and roleplaygateway merely because I'm looking for a constituted and active roleplay center. I want to be able to find different categories of roleplays and immerse myself in other worlds, mostly because I'm too emo to enjoy this one :P. Most of all, I like the system here from what I've read. You guys seem relatively awesome. Meaning your radioactive glow burns me.

I mostly enjoy war-based RPs (mostly midieval) and, which I should be ashamed to admit but am not ashamed to admit, high school romance RPs. However, I also greatly enjoy spy, martial arts, and ever so occasionally, fantasy RPs, however it is extremely difficult for me to enjoy fantasy as it's gotten to the point that so little of it is actually original and most of it seems cliched to obsene levels. On fantasy, I enjoy non-Eragon dragon things, the occasional vapire roleplay though those tend to be the most cliched of all, and of course, what emo computer fiend couldn't love a total magic mesh, with wizards and spells and summoning and magical adventures and the like? It's impossible to cliche something that large-scale.

I write, roleplay, and flirt with girls. However, I have no hobbies, as that implies the capability to enjoy something. I also do soccer and martial arts. Wink.

I'm good at close to nothing. Anybody want friend-juice? It's only 98% alcohol. :D

I have no friends. Especially none on this site. Of course, I'm open to friends if my post-pubescent rainbow-colored emo doesn't scare everybody away. Still offering friend-juice.

If you come say hi to me I'll give you cookies and ponies, as I no longer have any desire for such fun things. I'm also offering friend-juice. Anybody? :D Also, considering my layout, I give free emo rainbow sparkle blood glitter to anybody who knows what guide I used to format this. Cheers.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/T-KcrftsVs4/viewtopic.php

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