Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Secret of Attraction: Harnessing the Power of Positive Thoughts ...

Many people misconstrue the concept of the secret of attraction as merely wishing for something and it will magically appear in their lives. But wishing alone will NOT work. You need to work at it, but then again, working hard alone will also not help you succeed if you do not combine your efforts with positive thoughts and actions. And here?s why:

Negativity is powerful energy. You attract what you fear or loathe or dwell on. For example, if you?re fretting over an upcoming chemistry exam, you won?t be able to retain all the information you?ve been reading. You can read your chemistry textbook and handouts repeatedly, but your negative thoughts ? fear of failing, fear of forgetting an important formula ? will only overpower all the things you tried to memorize. The result? A mediocre or even a failing grade on your chemistry exam paper.

Don?t let negativity rule your life.

To help you learn how to harness the power of positivity, here are some examples to give you ideas:


  1. The secret of attraction to help you find true love:

Envision the kind of relationship you want to be in and define it well. Do you want a long term relationship with someone who shares your temperament and values, or are you welcome to have someone who is your complete opposite but adds spice to your life? When you have defined all these, start gravitating towards people who more or less matches your ideals. Avoid social circles where you will only be disappointed. Be selective with the company you keep.

When you think you have met The One, don?t rush into dating right away. Get to know that person more and respect his or her need for space and time. When you try to rush things (a negative no-no), you will only repel your prospective partner.


  1. The secret of attraction to help you win a client:

If you?re in sales, you know what a cutthroat industry it can be. Many sales people would sell their grandmothers down the river just to nab an important client. On a less exaggerated note, they would even try to steal a fellow salesperson?s client by encroaching into the transaction. Don?t play dirty like those people, for in this universe there is such a thing as karmic comeuppance. Strive to be ethical and upstanding in your occupation. Carry out only positive thoughts and actions when conducting your business and pretty soon you will build a good name for yourself and attract clients. Leave the monkey business to your less ethical colleagues who will only end up having a reputation for being unscrupulous and irritating.


  1. The secret of attraction to having more money in your life.

If you want to attract wealth, you need to stop letting your money control you and instead, learn to control it to suit your goals. For example, all your life, you?ve seen how your mother could not control her spending. Shopping was a way to make her feel good, no matter how much debt she was accruing year in and year out. You need to stop equating your self esteem with how much money you can spend to impress your friends, which is a negative no-no. Start viewing money as neither good nor bad, but as a tool to help you live a stable and comfortable life. Using positive thoughts and actions like moderating your spending and paying bills on time are just some ways to bring in more money ?not debt ? into your life!


  1. The secret of attraction to get the body you want.

Yes, the doctor said you need to lose fifteen pounds. And no, pinning a photo of a supermodel on your refrigerator is not going to help you lose those fifteen pounds no matter how many times you stare at the image. The photo, however, may serve as a daily inspiration and reminder on the kind of body you?re aiming for. As you watch your food intake and carry out your daily exercise regimen, look at that picture to push you into sticking to the program ? and stop you from popping a few pieces of chocolate in your mouth.


  1. The secret of attraction to get a promotion.

First you need to ask yourself if you are ready for bigger responsibilities. If you think you are, then focus on getting that promotion. Ace all your projects and tasks, be early for work and appointments, go the extra mile, do anything that will show the big bosses that you are more than a team player, you also possess leadership qualities. Learn to navigate the tricky waters of office politics without playing dirty and by standing out using positive thoughts and actions to your advantage. You will stand out in the sea of cutthroat and competitive people by being the only one who refused to compromise your principles in the name of career advancement.


Let the examples above inspire you to be the best you can be in all facets of your life. Just remember to take things one day at a time as you work on improving yourself. Before you know it, you have purged yourself of all negativity, molded yourself into a better individual and have made positive thoughts and actions a constant staple in your life. You?ll be attracting success and happiness in no time!


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