Friday 2 March 2012

Poll: Christie little aid to Mitt in N.J. (Politico)

Having Gov. Chris Christie as his running mate would strengthen Mitt Romney?s bid against President Barack Obama in New Jersey, but not enough to help the Republican candidate catch up to the president in the Garden State, according to a new poll Wednesday.

In a general election match-up that doesn?t take into consideration the vice presidential candidates, Romney would trail the president 49 percent to 39 percent in New Jersey, a Quinnipiac University survey of the state?s voters found.

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With Christie as his running mate, Romney would fare slightly better in the state, but still fall short of catching up to Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, 49 percent to 43 percent.

?Putting [Christie] on the ticket helps the Republicans a little, but not enough, in New Jersey. If the measure of a vice presidential pick is carrying his or her home state, then Gov. Christie comes up short,? said Maurice Carroll, the director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Meanwhile, the majority of New Jersey?s Republican voters, 74 percent, indicated that an endorsement from their governor, who has denied having any interest in being on the GOP ticket in 2012, doesn?t change their minds on whether they would like to vote for Romney in the primary.

Almost 2 in ten New Jersey GOP voters, 18 percent, said Christie?s backing made them more likely to vote for Romney, while 8 percent said the support actually made them less likely to pick the former Massachusetts governor.

The Quinnipiac University poll was conducted Feb. 21-27 among 1,396 registered voters, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.6 percentage points.


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