Wednesday 23 May 2012

Green Screen Chrominance Real Estate Agent Overlays

We are now set up with a portable green screen, perfect for real estate agent overlays. Using a green screen we can come to an agents location, set it up, record?the?agent then have the?capacity?to throw up images, graphics or video behind the subject during editing. Here is an example of yours?truly?demonstrating?an example on how it all works.

You?ve heard that video is the next big thing for years. ?Dynamic real estate teams are using real estate video, but some who have not gotten their feet yet still wonder if it is a bill of goods they?ve been sold or if real estate video actually gives agents a competitive advantage?

Our answer remains that we believe it does give Realtors a leg up, but only when done well. A shaky 1997 cell phone video tour that looks like the Blair Witch Project won?t give anyone an advantage outside of the horror film industry.

Here are some quotes we have picked up off the?internet?by people using video to help sell real estate.

?Yes. Sellers are more likely to list with my clients because they utilize the most current and effective marketing techniques ? internet video. My clients also spend less time at showings because the videos help weed out those that aren?t truly interested in the home.?

?A listing of mine was once purchased by some folks that worked the third shift. The first time they saw the home in the daylight, was at the inspection. The reason they submitted an offer in the first place, was because they could ?tour? the home at their convenience. When they finally saw the home in person, after sunset, it matched what they had seen via video. The video ensured, for my sellers, that folks coming through the door to tour were already interested in the property and not ?seeing? it for the first time.?

?We use video internally and externally and there is nothing like it to explain, market, teach or communicate a message. Many of our members use and have made a great investment in differentiating themselves with video production and its proved a compelling and powerful differentiator ? for getting listings as well as marketing them ? especially to an international audience.?

Well there you have it, it you are located in Cairns and world like a real estate virutal tour done or a promotional video of your self in front of the green sceen, call us today.

Paul Wags 0428 298 007

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