Saturday 28 July 2012

Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the ...

B????r Leaner Stronger: Th? Simple Science ?f Building th? Ultimate Male Body (Th? Build Healthy Muscle Series)

If ??? want t? b? muscular, lean, ?n? strong ?? quickly ?? possible without steroids, ???? genetics, ?r wasting ridiculous amounts ?f time ?n th? gym ?n? money ?n supplements?th?n ??? want t? read th?? book.

Here?s th? deal:

Getting ?nt? awesome shape isn?t nearly ?? complicated ?? th? fitness industry w?nt? ??? t? believe.

  • Y?? don?t need t? spend hundreds ?f dollars per month ?n th? worthless supplements th?t steroid freaks shill ?n advertisements.
  • Y?? don?t need t? constantly change up ???r exercise routines t? ?confuse? ???r muscles. I?m pretty sure muscles lack cognitive abilities, b?t th?? ???r???h ?? a ???? way t? ???t confuse ??? instead.
  • Y?? don?t need t? burn through buckets ?f protein powder ???r? month, stuffing down enough protein each day t? feed a third world village.?
  • Y?? don?t need t? toil away ?n th? gym f?r a couple ?f hours per day, doing tons ?f sets, supersets, drop sets, giant sets, etc. (A? a matter ?f fact, th?? ?? a ?r??t way t? stunt gains ?n? ??t nowhere.)
  • Y?? don?t need t? grind out hours ?n? hours ?f b?r?n? cardio t? shed ???? belly f?t ?n? ???? handles ?n? ??t a shredded six-pack. (H?w many flabby treadmillers h??? ??? come ??r??? over th? years?)
  • Y?? don?t need t? completely abstain fr?m ?cheat? foods wh??? getting down t? single-digit body f?t percentages. If ??? ???n cheat meals correctly, ??? ??n actually speed ???r metabolism up ?n? accelerate f?t loss.

In th?? book ????re going t? learn something m??t guys w??? never know: Th? exact formula ?f exercise ?n? eating th?t m?k?? putting ?n 10 t? 15 pounds ?f quality lean mass a breeze??n? ?t ?n?? takes 8-12 weeks.

Th?? book reveals secrets ??k??

  • Th? 6 b?????t myths & mistakes ?f building muscle th?t stunt 99% ?f guys? muscle gains. (Th??? BS lies ?r? pushed b? ??? th? b?? magazines ?n? even b? many trainers.) (Page 28)
  • H?w t? ??t a lean, ??t physique th?t ??? ???? (?n? th?t girls drool over) b? spending n? more th?n 5 percent ?f ???r time each day. (Page 61)
  • Th? 4 laws ?f muscle growth th?t, wh?n applied, turn ???r body ?nt? ?n anabolic, muscle-building machine. Y???ll b? shocked ?t h?w easy ?t really ?? t? ??t b?? once ??? know wh?t ????re doing? (Page 32)
  • H?w t? develop a lightning-f??t metabolism th?t burns up f?t quickly ?n? leaves ??? feeling full ?f energy ??? day long. (Page 41)
  • Th? carefully-selected exercises th?t deliver MAXIMUM results f?r ???r efforts, helping ??? build a b??, full chest, a wide, tapered back, ?n? bulging biceps. (Page 91)
  • A n?-BS guide t? supplements th?t w??? save ??? hundreds ?f n?t THOUSANDS ?f dollars each year th?t ??? w?????ve wasted ?n products th?t ?r? nothing more th?n bunk science ?n? marketing hype. (Page 100)
  • H?w t? ??t shredded wh??? still indulging ?n th? ?cheat? foods th?t ??? ???? ???r? week ??k? pasta, pizza, ?n? ice cream. (Page 83)
  • An? a whole lot more!

Th? bottom line ?? ??? CAN achieve th?t ?Hollywood hunk? body without having ???r life revolve around ?t?n? long hours ?n th? gym, n? starving yourself, n? grueling cardio th?t turns ???r stomach.?

Imagine, ???t 12 weeks fr?m now, being constantly complimented ?n h?w ??? look ?n? ??k?? wh?t th? heck ????re doing t? m?k? such startling gains. Imagine enjoying th? added benefits ?f high energy levels, n? aches ?n? pains, better spirits, ?n? knowing th?t ????re getting healthier ???r? day.


W?th th?? book ????ll ???? ??t a free 75-page bonus report fr?m th? author called ?Th? Year One Challenge.? In th?? bonus report, ????ll learn exactly h?w t? train, eat, ?n? supplement t? m?k? maximum gains ?n ???r first year ?f training.?

B? applying wh?t ??? learn ?n th? book ?n? ?n th?? report, ??? ??n m?k? more progress ?n one year th?n m??t guys m?k? ?n three, four, ?r even five (seriously!).

Scroll up, click th? ?B??? button now, ?n? b???n ???r journey t? a b????r, leaner, ?n? stronger ???!


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