Sunday 30 September 2012

NFL refs approve deal, ready for Sunday games

IRVING, Texas (AP) -- NFL referees are ready to go unnoticed again, just as they prefer.

The refs approved a new eight-year contract with the league by a 112-5 vote Saturday, officially ending a lockout that led to three weeks of increasingly chaotic games run by replacement officials who drew the attention of everyone from the average fan to President Barack Obama.

After a few hours of final preparations with league officials, the next stop for the referees will be the airport. Most will be heading straight to their Sunday game sites.

''It was pretty much 'Come on in and vote,''' said Scott Green, president of the referees' association. ''We're going to talk football now. We're going to stop talking about CBAs and lockouts and now we're going to talk about rules and video and getting ourselves ready to work football games.''

They may get ovations similar to the one bestowed on the crew that worked Thursday's Cleveland-Baltimore game with the tentative deal in place. Before long, they expect to go back to being mostly anonymous and sometimes hated. They're OK with both.

''The last Super Bowl that I worked, when we got in the locker room, I said, 'You know, the best thing about this game, nobody will remember who refereed this game,''' Green said. ''That's how we like to work.''

The referees met for about an hour and a half Friday night to go over the contract, then gathered for another 30 minutes Saturday morning before approving the contract.

''We are obviously pleased to hear it,'' NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said in an email to The Associated Press on Saturday.

Because they were aware of the financial parameters, most of the discussion by the referees involved non-economic issues such as year-round work and developmental squads, said Tim Millis, the association's executive director.

The deal came quickly this week after an increasing chorus of complaints became impossible to ignore when a disputed touchdown call on the final play gave the Seattle Seahawks a victory over the Green Bay Packers on national television Monday night. Many thought the ruling of a Seattle touchdown instead of a Green Bay interception was botched, and the labor dispute drew public comments from Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

By late Wednesday, the sides had a contract calling for refs' salaries to increase from an average of $149,000 a year in 2011 to $173,000 in 2013, rising to $205,000 by 2019. The current defined benefit pension plan will remain in place for current officials through the 2016 season or until the official earns 20 years' service.

The defined benefit plan will then be frozen. Retirement benefits will be provided for new hires, and for all officials beginning in 2017, through a defined contribution.

Beginning with the 2013 season, the NFL will have the option to hire a number of officials to work year-round. The NFL also can retain additional officials for training and development and assign those officials to work games. The number of additional officials will be determined by the league.

The officials that worked Thursday's Ravens-Browns game were cheered from the moment they walked onto the field. The difference between the regular crew and replacements was clear. The officials kept the game in control, curtailing the chippy play and choppy pace that had marred the first three weeks of the regular season.

''I think the thing we're most proud of is the lesson that we all learned,'' Green said. ''If you're going to be in a professional league, you've got top-notch coaches, you need professional officials as well.''


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HBT: Tigers hope Scherzer can start finale

Max Scherzer was skipped in the rotation this week due to a nagging shoulder issue, but he could end up playing a critical role for the Tigers before the end of the regular season.

According to Jason Beck of, Scherzer played catch today without pain and is scheduled to long-toss tomorrow at full effort. The hope is that he?ll be able to throw a bullpen session Monday, setting up his return for Wednesday?s season finale against the Royals. Justin Verlander is starting today against the Twins and isn?t an option on three days? rest, even in a do-or-die situation with the division on the line.

Via Brooks Baseball, Scherzer averaged under 92 mph on his fastball during his last start last Sunday against the Twins, down from his 94.2 mph average for the year. The 28-year-old right-hander has a 3.82 ERA and 228/52 K/BB ratio over 183 2/3 innings over 31 starts this season.


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Friday 28 September 2012

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Thursday 27 September 2012

and?Baby Makes 3 ? Planning a Family Overseas ? International ...

If you?re planning to start or expand your family while overseas, be aware? that not all schools view pregnancy in a positive light. In fact, some schools? see pregnancy as an irreconcilable disruption to a teacher?s duties and grounds for dismissal. Be extra diligent about doing your homework before deciding on a school?you certainly don?t need any surprises for your family? or career when you announce, ?We?re pregnant!?

Doing your home work is about more than just your school?s maternity policy. Also? consider: Should you have your baby in the host country or return home? Will not knowing? the local language be a problem for you and your spouse? What?s the professional level of medical care in your host country? Can you find quality child daycare when you return to? work? These, and other questions are topics you?ll want to thoroughly explore.

To start your decision-making process we recommend that you read the ISR Article,? Planning a Family Overseas. Written by a veteran international educator who brought? two boys into the world while teaching overseas, this article offers sound advice and discusses many of the pros and cons of having a child overseas.

For answers to questions pertaining to your own personal situation, we invite you to visit our Overseas Pregnancy Blog (scroll down) where you can ask specific questions about the maternity leave policy at various schools, the level of medical care available in locations around the world,? and any other questions on your mind. If you have started or expanded your family while overseas and wish to share the experience and possibly answer queries from your international colleagues, the ISR Oversees Pregnancy Blog is the place to visit (scroll down).


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Mars Curiosity rover snaps crescent moon Phobos in pale, Martian sky

The Curiosity rover's latest Mars photo captured the planet's largest Martian moon, Phobos, during a Martian evening, revealing the satellite as a faint crescent moon.

By Tariq Malik,? / September 27, 2012

This close up from a photo by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows the Martian moon Phobos as a faint crescent in the Martian evening sky. The black blemish is the result of a bad pixel in the image data. Image released Sept. 26.



NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has been doing more than just driving around the Red Planet and taking pictures of rocks. It's been doing a bit of Martian moon-gazing too.

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The?Curiosity rover's latest Mars photo?captured the planet's largest Martian moon, Phobos, during a Martian evening, revealing the satellite as a faint crescent moon.

"Moon Over Mars: I snapped a pic of one of Mars' moons, Phobos, in the twilight sky over Gale crater," NASA's Curiosity team announced on the mission's Twitter page @MarsCuriosity, writing as the rover itself, on Wednesday (Sept. 26) ? the same day Curiosity made its longest drive yet.

The photo shows Phobos as a faint white crescent that almost blends in with the Martian sky. A black blemish also appears in the image, but is merely the result of a bad pixel in the image data, rover officials said.

"When you send images from 179 million miles away, stuff happens," they added via Twitter.?

The new photo of Phobos is Curiosity's latest view of Martian moons from the surface of the Red Planet. Earlier this month, Curiosity snapped photos of Phobos as it crossed part of the sun, creating a partial?solar eclipse on Mars.

Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, both of which are much smaller than Earth's moon. Phobos is about 14 miles wide (22 kilometers), making it the largest Martian satellite. Deimos is about 9.3 miles across (15 km) at its largest point and is farther from Mars than Phobos.?

The Curiosity rover's Phobos photos are just part of the science work the car-size robot has been performing on Mars. The rover landed inside the planet's vast Gale Crater on Aug. 5 and is currently driving toward its first science destination, a location called Glenelg.

On Wednesday, Curiosity drove 160 feet (48.9 meters) closer to Glenelg, marking its longest single drive of its mission so far. To date, the rover has covered about a quarter-mile (416 meters) on Mars.

NASA's?Mars rover Curiosity?is expected to spend at least two years exploring Gale Crater to determine if the region could have ever supported microbial life. Mission scientists plan to drive the rover up a 3-mile (5-km) mountain ? Mount Sharp ?that rises from the crater's center.

NASA will hold a press conference today at 2 p.m. EDT (1800 GMT) today to update the media and public on Curiosity's progress on Mars. You can watch the press conference?live on here.

You can follow Managing Editor Tariq Malik on Twitter?@tariqjmalik?and? on Twitter?@Spacedotcom. We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.


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Why It's Bad That Smartphones Have Banished Boredom

When I started my meditation practice I was a full blown smart-phone addict. One of the hardest earliest barriers to get over was the idea of sitting idle for 30 minutes. Somehow mindlessly browsing reddit was okay but just sitting and watching my breath was not. I'd get flooded with all kinds of thoughts about how I should be doing something productive and typically that was accompanied by anxiety.

At some point I had to stop and ask myself, who exactly do I think is judging my behavior? Why do I even feel like I need to justify what I'm doing with my personal time? Of course the realization came that it was all me, all my mind, and I let go of the habit.

Now I meditate regularly and still use my smart phone. I look forward to sitting and knowing I get time to just be. I'm comfortable with that and reap the benefits. I'm significantly less stressed during the day and my mind is calmer. I understand myself and my actions better. I still use the phone, but sometimes I don't. Sometimes it's nice to just be with your own mind.

I wouldn't say smartphones have only banished boredom though. They, like many of our modern baubles, have also lowered the bar for when boredom sets in.

An aside I feel is related I can't remember the last time I had a good meaningful conversation with a group of friends or even one on one. Hell, even meaningless conversation with depth seems to have left. It seems like on average things are being reduced to one or two sentences on a topic and topics which require multiple layers of thinking just don't come up.

I find it paradoxical as someone who was a loner in school I can look at my life now and see more friends, supportive family, great co-workers, technology like facebook, SMS, and smart phones to be always connected and yet I feel more alone than I ever have. I feel lacking in community.


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Wednesday 26 September 2012

NRSC launches new ad attacking King on wind turbines

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) went up with a third ad attacking independent Senate candidate Angus King for his role in the wind energy business on Tuesday.

The ad is a longer version of an ad that began running Friday, entitled ?Smooth Operator.? and the new ad includes some of the same footage. It features five people criticizing King and the wind turbines that were erected in Maine by a company King has a stake in.

First man: ?We all need to get used to seeing turbines where we used to seeing ridges, is what Angus King told us.?

First woman: ?Angus has been involved in energy matters even before he became governor, and he knows that there?s is money to be made.?

Second woman: ?You can?t fight these corporations.?

Second man: ?I think he?s willing to say anything to get people on board.?

First man: ?Angus King is a smooth operator.?

First woman: ?I think that what happened here was atrocious.?

Third man: ?I couldn?t contemplate them blasting the mountain the way they were doing.?

First man: ?As you watched these towers go up one after the other, you couldn?t help but feel a huge sense of loss.?

Second woman: ?And we?re not going to retrieve the tops of those mountains.?

First woman: ?It?s just something that?s been taken away forever.?

First man: ?We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of these wind projects in Maine.?

?I don?t come up much. I just stay home,? says the second man, who an NRSC official is a longtime property owner in the area where he has a second home. ?I just don?t like the idea of him being our Senator. I just think it?s wrong.?

The original ad was only thirty seconds long ? this one is 60 seconds ? and featured the same five people. They are not identified, but the NRSC official noted that at least three are residents who live in the area where they are directly affected by the sight of the turbines.

It is the third ad in a $650,000 buy by the NRSC that will rotate on the air in Maine.

King objected to the original 30-second ad, which said that he had gotten ?a sweetheart deal on his windmills? and that he ?was making millions and millions of dollars? off the project ? things he said was not true. His campaign filed formal complaints with the television station, and said that they would take legal action if necessary. King also launched a rebuttal ad that featured Mainers who live in the area of the windmills praising them. The NRSC defended their ad.

King?s campaign did not respond immediately to request for comment.

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WWF Publishes Guide to Responsible Commodities Investing ...

The WWF today released a guide to responsible investing in commodities.

The report, The 2050 Criteria Guide to Responsible Investment in Agricultural, Forest, and Seafood Commodities, is backed by Credit Suisse and addresses 10 commodity sectors: aquaculture; beef; cotton; dairy; palm oil; soy; sugar; timber, pulp and paper; wild-caught seafood; and bioenergy.

WWF says these sectors are high priority because of their affects on global biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions and water use.

An increase in population and consumption between 1961 and 2008 has led to a decline in biocapacity per person (see chart), according to WWF. It says in 2008, the Earth?s total biocapacity was 12 billion hectares, while the population?s ecological footprint was 18.2 billion hectares, meaning it would take 1.5 years for the Earth to regenerate the renewable resources that humans use in one year.

The 2050 Criteria outline environmental and social risks associated with each sector ? biodiversity loss and conversion; climate change and air quality; soil erosion and degradation; water use; pesticides and toxicity; nutrient loading and eutrophication; disease and animal care; labor; local and indigenous communities; and society and consumers ? and ?key performance criteria? for identifying environmentally and socially responsible companies and projects.

WWF works with global companies in the food, agriculture and consumer goods sectors, and says major players are taking steps to address resource challenges. It says examples of this include industry roundtables on palm oil, soy, sugarcane, cotton and forest products, and cooperation between Unilever, Tesco, McDonald?s, and other companies on whitefish stock sustainability. It also cites The Sustainability Consortium, led by Walmart, and its efforts to establish an industry-wide sustainability labeling system for consumer goods.

A June report by Deutsche Bank?s climate change investment research group found companies with high ratings for corporate social responsibility and environmental, social and governance factors have a lower cost of capital and are a lower risk to investors.

Stay Up-to-Date On Environmental Management, Energy & Sustainability News with EL's Free Daily Newsletter


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Samsung: Galaxy S3 already updated with USSD exploit fix, reviewing situation with other phones [updated]

Android Central

Update, 7:40am EDT: Samsung tells us it's "currently in the process of conducting an internal review" into the situation with on the Galaxy S2 and other affected phones. Our own testing, and reports from readers, suggests that devices like the Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note remain vulnerable to the USSD exploit.

Original story: Yesterday we reported on a particularly nasty security vulnerability in some Samsung smartphones, which could lead to a factory reset being triggered upon visiting a website containing malicious code. Phones confirmed to be affected included the Galaxy S2, Galaxy Beam and Galaxy Ace. Our testing on various Galaxy S3 models was inconclusive, though. Some models seemed vulnerable, while others were immune.

This morning, we have official confirmation from Samsung that Galaxy S3's around the world should indeed be protected from this exploit, assuming they're running the latest software update.

"We would like to assure our customers that the recent security issue concerning the GALAXY S III has already been resolved through a software update.

We recommend all GALAXY S III customers to download the latest software update, which can be done quickly and easily via the Over-The-Air (OTA) service."

Like Samsung, we always recommend keeping your phone up-to-date with the latest firmware. So if your Galaxy S3 phone is up-to-date, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Of course, there's nothing in that statement about Galaxy S2-class devices, which our own tests, and reports from readers, have shown are still very much at risk from this latest vulnerability. We're sure Samsung will be hurriedly preparing updates for those devices, now that this exploit method is out in the open. Nevertheless, we'll update you with any new info they provide on the Galaxy S2 or other phones.

In the meantime, if you're still concerned that your Samsung phone may be vulnerable to the USSD bug, you can check our quick, easy USSD vulnerability test to see if you're protected or not.


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Improve Your Life With Straightforward Self Help Techniques ...

Sometimes it can seem to be tough to basically know what you must because of enhance your total well being. The one thing you have to take note is to attempt to gain as much information as possible that will help you enhance your self. With this report you can do that. There are a variety of recommendations here you are able to use towards on your own-aid desired goals.

Tend not to be afraid of mistakes. Whenever we learn from them, errors generally is one of probably the most useful resources for personal growth. This does not necessarily mean try to get some things wrong, but instead you shouldn?t permit the anxiety about mistakes keep you from achieving your goals. If you have a misstep, treat it as being a chance to learn and include it with your encyclopedia of knowledge.

1 positive approach to work towards your personal improvement is usually to cease letting the body to control you. There are numerous temptations that you really should take part in which are not healthy, such as liquor and unhealthy foods. Whenever you can withstand the enticement to offer into these issues, you are going to feel much more in control and happy with oneself.

Refuse to other individuals without the need of providing an apology. Everyone has the ability to say indeed or no to things which surface in everyday life. Several give your very best at expressing no longer usually, but feel bad or remorseful for the process and then find yourself offering all types of reasons or lame excuses. You may not need to pay folks a description relating to your alternatives regarding your personal daily life. Learn to refuse, without apology.

Even though it might appear counterintuitive to expansion you must come to grips with because you are little. In the great widespread structure of things, you might be quite little and know almost no. Once you knowledge this simple fact, it will become much easier to wide open your mind to studying and seeing and hearing (and recognizing) other people?s morals.

Self improvement fails to always indicate that you need to lock on your own inside your place and examine as tough as you possibly can. It can also suggest spending time in the market to make a move you enjoy. If you have overlooked your whole body, this could suggest something similar to enrolling in a nearby hockey group of people and messing around with them.

Endurance can be a foundation in any good personal development system. Ambitious desired goals and meticulous planning are common personal development procedures, but are of tiny help when the first sign of difficulty leads to the entire program to be abandoned. Faults and failures are expected ? self improvement is around shifting prior them, not removing them.

As you may discovered in the beginning of your post the greater number of you already know the easier it becomes to help you your self. Make sure you don?t reduce yourself to the information you learned here. Eat the data you learned in this article and employ previous understanding and try the best to help you your self. In the end use any piece of advice you possess discovered and find out what really works that?s the best way to achieve success.

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Tuesday 25 September 2012

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Soap Dish: Cast Shake-Ups At The Young & The Restless

It is Soap Dish time again my friends and this week I am dishing all about the cast shake-ups at The Young & The Restless. It has been quite a couple of weeks for the hit CBS soap and I have lots to say about it. The comings and goings at Y&R have been in full force. Soap vet Genie Francis was let go. Although it is being touted as budget reasons and storyline reasons there are rumors that the powers that be at CBS didn’t mesh with the Emmy winning actress. Personally Genie is one of the reasons I started watching Y&R again and I think she rocks. Next up Debbie Morgan was axed. She broke the news herself via Twitter. Word on the street was the actress and her character never caught on with the fans. I have to say I don’t necessarily disagree with this outing, love Debbie but it wasn’t a good fit. Then there was the firing of Lindsay Bushman. That is right Summer Newman is out but that doesn’t mean she won’t be replaced. If you follow Lindsay on Twitter you know what I mean by that. Those are of course the two major [...]


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Monday 24 September 2012

Adu brace keeps Union hopes alive

Freddy Adu scored twice as the Philadelphia Union beat the Houston Dynamos 3-1 on Sunday to end an eight-game winless streak and remain in Major League Soccer play-off contention in the Eastern Conference.

Adu opened the scoring in the 28th minute and then scored a second from the penalty spot after 50, Josue Martinez then scoring his first MLS goal with 20 minutes remaining.

Boniek Garcia scored for Houston in the 44th minute.

Branko Boskovic scored the only goal in DC United's 1-0 defeat of Chivas USA in a cross-Conference match which keeps the capital club within two wins of the summit of the Eastern Conference.

The Vancouver Whitecaps recovered from a slow start to draw 2-2 with the Colorado Rapids in the Western Conference.

Omar Cummings gave the Rapids the lead after 35 minutes but Alain Rochat (64) and Kenny Miller (68) put the Whitecaps ahead only for Jamie Smith (86) to secure a point for Colorado.


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Sunday 23 September 2012

Can Mobile Phones Help Fight Pediatric AIDS?

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Attempted attack on Israeli border highlights militant presence in Sinai

One soldier from the Israel Defense Forces was killed and another wounded in an attack on the Sinai border today, while three militants were killed.

By Christa Case Bryant,?Staff writer / September 21, 2012

In this August 6 file photo, Egyptian border guards patrol near the border with Israel in Rafah, Egypt.

Ahmed Gomaa/AP


Israel said it disrupted an attempted large-scale terrorist attack on its southern border today, underscoring the ongoing threat posed by militants in the Sinai peninsula, who have stepped up their attacks since Egypt's popular uprising last year.

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Israel's military said it killed three militants who crossed into Israel midday near Har Harif with weapons and explosive belts. One soldier from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) was killed and another wounded in the exchange of fire. The last time an Israeli soldier was killed by militants from the Sinai was August 2011, according to the IDF.

Israel has long been concerned about security in the Sinai peninsula, which it captured in the 1967 Six-Day War but ceded after making peace with Egypt in 1978.

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's regime responded harshly to terrorist attacks in the peninsula, particularly after a 2004 attack that killed 34 in the tourist city of Taba, as The Christian Science Monitor's Dan Murphy pointed out recently. But with Mr. Mubarak's ouster last year and the formation of a new government dominated by the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, Israel has voiced concern that Egyptian security in the Sinai has taken a backseat.?

The deterioration in security has been bad for both sides, however. In August, 16 Egyptian border guards and soldiers were killed, which prompted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to?summarily dismiss Defense Minister Mohamed Hussein Tantawi and other top military leaders.

Israel has been building an extensive fence along the Sinai border, which is nearing completion. The Israeli soldiers attacked today were guarding a section of this fence. It's not the first time it has been attacked; in June, two militants attacked IDF contractors involved in building the fence, eliciting a strong statement from Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak that the new Egyptian president must "swiftly" put an end to attacks from the Sinai.

While many have speculated that the Egypt-Israel peace deal could falter under Islamist rule in Cairo, the Sinai poses a challenge for both nations. If they don't find a way to work together, they both may suffer.


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Saturday 22 September 2012

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Emmy nominees celebrate at pre-ceremony parties

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, left, and Martha Plimpton pose together at the Variety and Women in Film Pre-Emmy Event at Scarpetta on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, left, and Martha Plimpton pose together at the Variety and Women in Film Pre-Emmy Event at Scarpetta on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Christina Hendricks attends the Variety and Women in Film Pre-Emmy Event at Scarpetta on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Krysten Ritter attends the Variety and Women in Film Pre-Emmy Event at Scarpetta on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Bryan Cranston, right, and Anna Gunn pose together at the Variety and Women in Film Pre-Emmy Event at Scarpetta on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Jesse Tyler Ferguson, left, and Justin Mikita attend the Variety and Women in Film Pre-Emmy Event at Scarpetta on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

(AP) ? Kevin Costner, Amy Poehler, Bryan Cranston, Zooey Deschanel, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and other Emmy-nominated actors celebrated their success at a series of parties around Tinseltown.

Most began their evening at the Emmy Performers nominee reception Friday at the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles. That's where nominees received certificates acknowledging their acting achievements.

The nominated actors posed for a class photo, with many proudly holding their certificates above their heads.

"This is like graduation," said Elizabeth Moss, nominated for her work on "Mad Men."

"You get to meet so many people you might not get to see at the Emmys," beamed the newly blonde actress.

Also among the guests: Martha Plimpton, Loretta Devine, Mare Winningham, Julia Ormond and Eric Stonestreet. Cranston, Louis-Dreyfus and "Modern Family" star Ty Burrell hopped over to the Women In Film party in Beverly Hills after noshing on kale salad, roasted chicken and grilled skirt streak at the official Emmy reception.

The Emmy Awards will be presented Sunday at the Nokia Theatre and broadcast live on ABC.


AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen is on Twitter: .

Associated Press


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Friday 21 September 2012

Joe Ricketts: The new billionaire political activist - The Term Sheet ...

By Jennifer Reingold, senior editor

FORTUNE -- I am perched atop a hay bale in the glorious Wyoming mountains, the majestic Teton Range crowning a landscape of unspoiled beauty. Surrounding me is a 240-strong herd of grass-fed bison. A couple of them eye me warily as they munch on my temporary seat. I feel a bit like an intruder, but I'm the invited guest of J. Joe Ricketts, the billionaire founder of what is now TD Ameritrade (AMTD) and the owner of this 1,300-acre swath of land. While here I learn how to fly-fish in Lake Marlene -- named for Ricketts's wife of 49 years -- behind his sprawling western-style home. I sample bison pastrami. I ride in a wagon drawn by his Percheron draft horses, which have won awards at the Calgary Stampede.

There's only one thing missing: Joe Ricketts. He prefers to remain behind the scenes. But his money is having an outsize influence on the 2012 election.

Since Ricketts, 71, stepped down from TD Ameritrade's board in 2011, he has become increasingly prominent on both the business and the political scenes, with an eclectic collection of entrepreneurial ventures and an eight-figure commitment to defeat President Obama. Yet that hasn't translated into a desire to explain himself to a journalist. The tall, doughy Nebraskan doesn't want to talk about his first feature film -- directed by Robert Redford -- or his own media enterprise, local news site, or his bison ranch, or his charity that helps educate children from underdeveloped countries (though he did provide us with pictures). He doesn't want to talk about Ameritrade, the electronic brokerage he founded in 1975, or his purchase of the Chicago Cubs on behalf of his four children. He especially doesn't want to discuss the controversy over a proposed anti-Obama ad campaign that landed him on the front page of the New York Times, with repercussions for both his causes and his family -- or the new, $10 million campaign featuring disappointed former Obama voters that is about to flood the airwaves.

MORE:?Who's better for stocks: Obama or Romney?

No, Ricketts wants to do things his way -- which mostly means maintaining control. So while he refused to be interviewed, he invited others to extol him, including executives from Hugo Enterprises, his holding company; Ending Spending Action Fund, the Super PAC that carries out his political objectives; and his son, Tom Ricketts, the Cubs' chairman. They all say Joe Ricketts is a man who changed an industry forever, a patriot who wants to return to the good old days of national fiscal responsibility, and a patriarch who is building a new American family dynasty. "He is a great visionary with a true entrepreneurial spirit," says Kurt Halvorson, Ameritrade's former chief administrative officer. "He dreams big and thinks big."

The portrait that emerges from dozens of conversations and journeys to Washington, Chicago, and Wyoming is more nuanced: It is one of a maverick full of contradictions. Ricketts is a self-made man who preaches fiscal austerity while his family's baseball team offloads business costs on the public; a media executive who won't give an interview; a man indifferent to baseball who bought one of the sport's best-known teams; a donor to the poor in the developing world who wants to cut spending on poverty at home; a supporter of politicians who oppose gay rights whose daughter, Laura, has helped create a Super PAC called LPAC, for Lesbian Political Action Committee.

Yet Ricketts, whose family is worth an estimated $1.9 billion, is not just another rich dude. He is one of the small group of billionaires taking advantage of the changes in campaign-finance law to influence the nation's political discourse. You may not be familiar with him -- he's no Sheldon Adelson or George Soros -- but he's one of the big players on the American political scene, and you'll be hearing from him plenty in coming weeks.

For Ricketts, the most important issue is cutting federal spending and taxes to tackle the debt crisis. It's a straightforward position. But as Ricketts has discovered the hard way, writing a big check is one thing; controlling what your money accomplishes is quite another. It turns out that in politics, as in business, deregulation is a powerful and unpredictable thing.

Joe Ricketts actually possesses the asset that so many politicians love to claim: an up-by-the-bootstraps biography. Born in Nebraska City, Neb., to a carpenter and a homemaker, he grew up poor, with three brothers and a sister. His first job was in third grade, working as a janitor's assistant.

After working his way through Creighton University, a Jesuit school in Omaha, Ricketts became first a credit analyst at Dun & Bradstreet (DNB), then a stockbroker. In 1975, when the SEC deregulated broker commissions, the 33-year-old Ricketts saw an opportunity. Why should investors have to rely on full-service brokers when many of them knew what they wanted to invest in anyhow? The same year, with a few partners, he opened First Omaha Securities. "No one had really brought Wall Street to Main Street," says J. Randy MacDonald, Ameritrade's CFO from 2000 to 2006. "The pioneers of discount brokerage were three people: Charles Schwab, Joe Ricketts, and probably Muriel Siebert."

Ricketts's best insight was technological. His firm was the first to execute trades using the touch-tone phone instead of a live person, in 1988. In 1995 he saw the potential of the Internet and scooped up K. Aufhauser & Co., one of the first firms to use the web for trading.

He also worked his tail off to make his company a success. The four Ricketts children -- J. Peter, now 48; Tom, 47; Laura, 45; and Todd, 43 -- helped out too. "We didn't take vacations," remembers Tom. "We stuffed envelopes on weekends, and we got paid in sugar cubes." Dad took the kids to baseball games and occasionally coached their teams, but he had little interest in the box score. "He'd bring a cigar and sit up in the top row by himself and think about the day," Tom says. Ricketts's ambition stretched far beyond the outfield. He announced he would become the largest discount broker, as measured by trades per day.

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Ameritrade, as the company was known by 1996, didn't feel like a dotcom, but it soon became one. The company, along with Schwab (SCHW), E*Trade (ETFC), and Datek, was a player in the fast-growing online-brokerage market and went public in 1997. By 1999, thanks to the Nasdaq bubble and Ameritrade's ad campaign featuring Stuart, the red-haired slacker with the $8 trade, Ricketts, who had retained 55% of the company, was worth more than $2 billion. The man who rarely bought a new car came up in the same sentences as the Oracle of Omaha himself, Warren Buffett.

Buffett stayed in his modest home, but Ricketts began to enjoy the fruits of his labor. In 1998 he bought the spectacular ranch in Little Jackson Hole, Wyo., on which he would later raise bison, and the next year he spent $7 million to buy the most expensive house ever sold in Omaha, a 17,000-square-foot mansion formerly owned by James Crowe, CEO of Level 3 Communications (LVLT). Later he would purchase a 78th-floor penthouse in New York City's Time Warner Center for $29 million, a sleek, modern space that he decorated in a western motif. Yet he was no socialite, preferring a ride to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on his Harley-Davidson Springer Softail Custom to chairing a ballet gala.

He did make at least one memorable public appearance. At the Omaha Press Club's annual dinner in 2000, the three local billionaires -- Warren Buffett, Level 3's Walter Scott Jr., and Ricketts -- sat on stage. Suddenly Regis Philbin's face filled a videoscreen. "Let's play Who Wants to Be a Jillionaire?" he sang out. When the three discovered that the grand prize was only $1 million, they stalked off the stage. "We're outta here," said Ricketts to hoots and applause before coming back to answer questions. When asked if he was nervous, he said, "Not a bit. It's the first billion that's really hard on you."

Even though Ricketts was rich beyond his wildest dreams, he was still wide-eyed when it came to big-spenders' protocol, thrilled to be able to use his American Express Black card to pay for dinner one night in 2000. As a joke, when he went to use the bathroom, MacDonald told the waiter to pretend Ricketts's card had been rejected. "He looked like he was going to cry," MacDonald remembers, before letting Ricketts in on the ruse. "I wasn't sure if this was going to be 'Ha-ha-ha' or 'You're fired,'" he says. Ricketts was a good sport.

Then came the dotcom crash. Ameritrade's stock fell an astonishing 94% between 1999 and 2001, along with Ricketts's net worth. And although he had been grooming his son Peter as his successor, it became clear that Ameritrade needed outside help. In came Joe Moglia as CEO, a rah-rah Merrill Lynch executive with buckets of street cred and a strategy of rolling up all the existing players.

Ricketts had a hard time watching his ownership stake diluted as the company bought National Discount Brokers, in 2001, followed by other brokerages, including Datek, and ultimately, in 2006, merged with TD Waterhouse. "We could already see the anxiety in his face," says MacDonald of the first big deal. "It was pretty clear to all of us that that was always the big issue with Joe -- control." Ricketts's percentage of the company shrank to 15.2%, but the value of his stock grew.

Although Ricketts was no longer CEO, he still held out hope of regaining control of the company. That's one reason he supported a deal with E*Trade rather than TD Waterhouse, a debate that split the board between the Ricketts contingent, which included Ricketts and his sons Pete and Tom, and the private equity group that had come into the company with Datek, including Stephen Pagliuca of Bain Capital and Glenn Hutchins of Silver Lake. But E*Trade was seen as a much riskier play because of its large real estate loan portfolio. "We potentially would almost be out of business if we did the E*Trade deal," Moglia says. In the end, TD Waterhouse improved its offer, and the Rickettses came onboard. Today TD Ameritrade is thriving, with total client assets of $445 billion. Says MacDonald: "Joe feels that Moglia and I sort of undermined him. He's right. And he cried all the way to the bank."

Completely uninterested in standard retired-guy leisure pursuits like golf (says son Tom: "He doesn't have hobbies; he has passions"), Ricketts moved into the next phase of his life. In 2004, with two of his sons and a group of friends, the 63-year-old Ricketts climbed to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. There he fell into conversation with his guide, a Masai man named Shange Wilson, and learned that Wilson was using his meager savings to build a school in his village. Ricketts returned the next year and announced that he was starting the Educational Opportunity Foundation. Since then, the foundation has given more than $10 million of Ricketts's money to more than 1,200 schools in Africa, Asia, and India. Says Tom Ricketts: "Dad gives rich guys a good name."

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Ricketts wasn't done being rich either, proclaiming that he would soon make another billion -- not by, for instance, investing in other people's hedge funds, but by building new businesses. He began with, of all things, bison -- which is how I ended up in Wyoming. Like fellow mogul Ted Turner, Ricketts saw big bucks in bison as an alternative to red meat, and in 2004 started High Plains Bison. Today it is one of the top five players in the $279 million bison-processing business, though that's a long way from $1 billion. Compared with the 45 Ted's Montana Grill locations, there is just one restaurant -- Bison Jack's in Milwaukee -- where, says an employee, "we're doing pretty good at lunch." Bison is, however, the "Official Lean Meat of the Chicago Cubs."

Another new venture for Ricketts is a hyperlocal media website called Launched in New York City in 2009, the site, staffed by a hungry pack of young journalists armed with videocameras, has already made a mark. Reporters cover one neighborhood -- say, the Upper East Side -- and produce stories about anything from local crime to zoning problems to a pizza-eating goat at the Famous Famiglia restaurant in Times Square (that one went viral). The site, while not yet profitable, boasts 1.5 million visitors per month, notable for any media company.

Another media venture has not been quite as successful. In 2008, Ricketts created the American Film Co. to produce historically accurate films about the U.S. Despite having no movie experience, Ricketts persuaded Robert Redford to direct its first film, The Conspirator, which tells the story of how the mother of one of the conspirators to assassinate Lincoln was put to death despite scant evidence that she knew of the plot. Ricketts took great pride in the film's detail, employing historians to ensure accuracy down to the buttons on the military uniforms. But the movie grossed just $11.5 million in theaters despite its big-name director and $25 million budget. Alfred Levitt, Hugo's president and general counsel, says new films are in the works, including one about Teddy Roosevelt.

Yet the business Ricketts is best known for these days is no ground-up venture, but rather the Chicago Cubs, one of the most storied -- and star-crossed -- teams in baseball. In 2009 a trust that he and Marlene funded bought 95% of the team for $845 million, with ownership going to their children. He must really love his kids -- all huge Cubs fans since they moved to Chicago for college -- because he doesn't even like the sport. Tom Ricketts says it's tough to get Joe to attend a game. "He said it was like buying a Picasso," says Jerry Reinsdorf, who owns the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Bulls. "It doesn't matter what it costs; it will never go down in value." That assumed that the family would be able to renovate Wrigley Field, the creaky relic from the days before luxury boxes determined profitability. The assumption would soon be put to the test.

Even before Joe Ricketts was a billionaire, he had a deep interest in politics. Once a Democrat, then a Republican, now an independent, he had been politically active in Omaha's Republican Party in the 1970s, more interested in policy than in personality. He grew increasingly interested in fiscal issues, such as taxation and government spending, becoming a strong advocate of cutting both and serving on the board of the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

Joe Ricketts preferred to effect change behind the scenes, but in 2005 his eldest son, Pete, announced he was leaving his job as Ameritrade's chief operating officer to run as a Republican against Ben Nelson for the U.S. Senate representing Nebraska. Pete, then 41, had youth and wealth -- he spent more than $12 million of his own money on the campaign, more than eight times what his opponent spent. A social and fiscal conservative, he lost by an incredible 28 percentage points. It didn't help when it came out that, two months before he ran a commercial playing up his regular-guy bona fides, his dad had closed on that $29 million penthouse in New York.

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But Rickettses don't give up that easily. Pete went on to become, in 2007, the Nebraska Republican Party's national committeeman. And his dad decided he had enough time and money to dive deeply into politics -- on his own terms. In 2010, Joe Ricketts formed an advocacy group called Taxpayers Against Earmarks, hiring a lawyer named Brian Baker to run it. Earmarks -- allocations for local projects tacked onto a bill in exchange for a vote -- symbolized the me-first mentality that Ricketts felt was ruining the country. The group spent $1.3 million on advertising, categorizing Democratic and Republican congressmen alike as either "heroes" or "hooligans" depending on how frequently they used earmarks. Ricketts himself met with congressmen in Washington. The public attention and resulting embarrassment helped the passage of a two-year moratorium on earmarks in 2010. For a political neophyte, it was a stunning victory.

Emboldened, Ricketts established a Super PAC in 2010 called the Ending Spending Action Fund. He changed the name of his nonprofit 501(c)4 group from Taxpayers Against Earmarks to Ending Spending Inc. and gave it a new, more ambitious mandate: "To make sense of the federal budget, to end wasteful government spending, and to expose elected officials who say one thing and do another." The message was simple: Support anyone who has voted for "an enforceable cap" on federal government spending ("spending sheriffs"); get rid of anyone who hasn't ("budget bandits").

Ricketts's new push into politics coincided perfectly with a dramatic shift in campaign-finance regulation. Already the trend had been toward more private money in politics. Then came two major court decisions, which together overturned at least 60 years of campaign-finance law. First, the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision allowed a corporation -- or any group -- to make independent political expenditures. Two months later, in a case called Speech Now, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that if the Supreme Court was no longer fearful of potential corruption from groups, it would be a violation of a group's First Amendment rights to limit the amount it could contribute.

Ricketts meeting beneficiaries of his education foundation in Tanzania (his grandson is on his lap).

Ricketts meeting beneficiaries of his education foundation in Tanzania (his grandson is on his lap).

Now political action committees -- renamed Super PACs -- could collect unlimited amounts from any person, group, or company, as long as they did not contribute directly to the candidates or let them see or approve their plans. Donors could also give unlimited funds anonymously to a Super PAC's accompanying 501(c)4 nonprofit, which must be primarily a "social welfare" organization.

Although Ricketts is making most of his donations to his own group rather than combining forces with others, the change means that people like him -- or Adelson or Jeffrey Katzenberg -- are now in a position arguably more powerful, and less regulated, than the political parties themselves (although many Super PACs are controlled by top former operatives of political parties). As of Sept. 18 -- still seven weeks before the election -- Super PACs had spent some $244 million, according to, compared with $52 million by the parties, with much more to come. "One good analogy," says Paul Ryan -- not the vice-presidential candidate, but a senior counsel at the Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan Washington group that studies political financing -- "is that wealthy interest groups get to sit in the front row with bullhorns."

It was in this environment that Ricketts stepped up his activism, supporting anti-incumbents who pledged to tackle the deficit by any means necessary. "It's about 'How do we change the policy?'" says Baker. "You have to put new people in, and we have to get rid of the people that are bad." Ricketts donated $6 million to his nonprofit as well as other groups including AEI, Americans for Tax Reform, and the Campaign for Primary Accountability. Then he turned his attention to a few strategically important congressional races, spending almost $1 million to support candidates with advertisements (see chart above). While Ricketts says he cares only about fiscal issues, all the candidates his Super PAC supports are also social conservatives opposed to abortion and gay marriage.

Which brings us to yet another interesting contradiction in the Ricketts family: His own daughter, Laura, is an out lesbian and political activist against those very issues. A former lawyer who is now, with brothers Tom and Todd, running the Cubs, she serves on the Democratic Party's LGBT leadership council and sponsors events such as Out at Wrigley Field for All Families. She is also a major fundraiser and bundler for President Obama.

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Ricketts is certainly not the first dad to disagree about politics with his offspring. "We love each other," says Tom of his family. "Political positions don't define us." Yet father and daughter seem to be running their own private arms race. In July, Laura Ricketts announced the formation of LPAC, a Super PAC aimed at lesbians. As she told a Chicago podcast, The BEZ, in July: "This election cycle is kind of like the Wild West. There's so much money, I have to think it can't be good for our political process. But ... those are the rules. And we have to play by those rules."

So does her dad, who last spring said he was ready to drop $10 million, through the Ending Spending Super PAC, on a national ad campaign to defeat Obama. It would make him one of the largest individual or group players in the election, with his fund spending more money than, for example, the Super PACs of the Service Employees International Union, Planned Parenthood, and the National Association of Realtors combined. Baker asked for proposals from several political media consultants. Ricketts zeroed in on Fred Davis of Strategic Perceptions, a colorful and controversial strategist known for such ads as the infamous "I am not a witch" declaration by Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell. The decision would get Ricketts more attention than he'd ever dreamed -- though not in the way he'd hoped -- and prove Laura Ricketts right. This election is like the Wild West, and it's not clear who the sheriff is.

After preliminary meetings with Davis, Ricketts's team, which included sons Peter and Todd, along with Baker, asked him to present his plan in a May 10 meeting in Chicago. The 50-page proposal, aimed at the defeat of "Barack Hussein Obama," suggested going back to a strategy proposed and rejected by John McCain four years earlier: Tie the President to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the fiery African-American preacher at a church Obama used to attend. The proposal described the President as a "metrosexual black Abraham Lincoln" and began with a quote from Ricketts himself: "If the nation had seen that ad (an anti-Wright spot McCain rejected), they'd never have elected Barack Obama." No decisions were made at the meeting, which then turned to a campaign to support Nebraska's Deb Fischer, which Ricketts hired Davis to do.

Bison at Ricketts's Wyoming ranch

Bison at Ricketts's Wyoming ranch

Ricketts himself wasn't at the meeting. But before he could respond to the proposal, one of the six participants in that room leaked a circulating copy to the New York Times. The front-page article on May 17 -- and subsequent political firestorm -- left a shocked Ricketts defending against charges of racism and dirty politics. In the story, Baker said the family had made no decisions on the plan. Says Davis: "Different people in that meeting had different recollections of what happened." The next day, after Mitt Romney said he "repudiated" the plan, Baker released the following statement: "[Ricketts's] efforts are and will continue to be focused entirely on questions of fiscal policy, not attacks that seek to divide us socially or culturally." The imbroglio was a stunning example of how much control the political parties and candidates had lost over their own messages.

For Ricketts, the fallout was immediate. Some Ameritrade customers canceled their accounts in anger. Says Fred Tomczyk, Ameritrade's CEO: "TD Ameritrade does not endorse the personal views of its shareholders or individual candidates for public office." came under scrutiny, and Ricketts wrote a memo to the staffers assuring them that "[a]lthough I feel a strong obligation as a citizen to engage politically ... I feel equally strongly that my personal politics should have absolutely no impact on your work as objective, fair-minded journalists." It didn't help that had just announced it was expanding to Chicago, of all places, where presumably it will cover such big local stories as the potential renovation of Wrigley Field.

Negotiations over that work broke off abruptly as a furious Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former chief of staff, stopped taking Tom Ricketts's calls. Cubs fans -- many of whom are Obama supporters -- expressed disgust with Joe Ricketts's affiliations. Many noted the contradiction between Ricketts's antigovernment approach and the fact that his children's main business was in large part dependent on getting local government subsidies.

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The episode highlighted how difficult it is for Ricketts to argue against public subsidies with a straight face. The Ricketts family had already benefited from public assistance in 2010, when the city of Mesa, Ariz., approved a referendum to build a new spring-training facility for the Cubs using the city's enterprise fund and, if needed, the sale of 11,000 acres of undeveloped farmland.

Tom Ricketts admits that the blowup was "noise that we didn't need," but says, "In the end, I'm not too worried about it. We'll get through all this. We all have a long time horizon." That's a good thing; more than three months later, the mayor and Tom Ricketts still have not spoken.

Nor will they soon, it's safe to say. On Sept. 17, Ricketts's Ending Spending Action Fund unveiled a major new multimedia advertising campaign set to run both in the battleground states and on national cable networks. Although Fred Davis wasn't part of this campaign, another person well versed in attack videos was: Steve Bannon, the political filmmaker who has been executive chairman of Breitbart, the controversial political group, since Andrew Breitbart's sudden death in March.

Linked to the website, the ads feature interviews with regular Americans who voted for Obama in 2008 and now, disillusioned, have shifted their hopes to Romney. The spots are sober and depressing -- but offer few specifics about what might change in a Romney administration. One of the subjects, a former nurse from Illinois named Jodi C., says, "There are two choices; one leads to bankruptcy," and calls this "the most important election in my lifetime." It will be interesting to see if Ending Spending will make a difference. Ironically, though, it doesn't seem as if the ads will have anything to do with ending spending on the campaign. That, thanks to Joe Ricketts and others like him, continues unabated.

This story is from the October 8, 2012 issue of?Fortune.


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