Tuesday 6 November 2012

Online Business Entrepreneurship -Turn Your Passion Into Profits ...

Online Business Entrepreneurship ~Turn Your Passion Into Profits

Today?s topic is what more and more people are talking about, dreaming about, and wishing for during this new economyErica Mathews?.. and that topic is ?How to start your own online business and turn your passion into profits?.

I know that you have been hearing the make money online buzz for several years and maybe you are wondering how you can get on board with a new career in online business entrepreneurship.

Are you thinking? ?If only I could _______and get paid for it?? or ?Can I possibly make money doing the things I love and interested in??.? I am here to tell you that YES YOU CAN.? Starting an internet business in one of the best ways to have control of your own time and life. There has never been a time where you can follow your passions and have some fun along the way. ?Thanks to the internet, you can put your creative juices to work and build something that is truly meaningful and that will serve others in a big way. :)

If there is something that you have a desire to do, just get started. Create an online business that suits you and your lifestyle. The internet gives people a chance to become a business owner.? As an online business entrepreneur, you will have the opportunity to create and redesign your life and career.

I know that all of this sounds magical but of course it takes time, work, and a plan.? A lot of people have the desire but never take action because they do not know how to get started.? One reason that may be keeping them from moving forward is their unbelief of being able to monetize their skills and talents. ?(Click?here?to download your?FREE?copy of my?Online Business Success Formula?ebook?to help you start a blog, get clear on your target market, and drive traffic to your blog using social media).

In case you are not sure what to pursue, let?s first get clear on what your passion and interest are:

  • What excites you?
  • What are some things you enjoy talking about the most?
  • What are some things that you do in your spare time?
  • What would you be doing even if you were not getting paid to do it?
  • What expertise you know that you can teach others?


Everybody has something that they are good at.? You have at least one skill or knowledge that you can teach someone else.? You may have been on a job for several years and has learned a skill where you can monetize your expertise.? We all were created with gifts, abilities, and talents on the inside of us.? That gift is your business.? That is the reason why you can?t stop thinking about it.? That is the reason why you are so passionate about a certain topic or idea.? So, now is the time to release your hidden ability and potential that?s already built on the inside. Your business is not something you do, your business is who you are.?When you put together your inner strengths, your interest, and your current knowledge base, you can set fire to a great small business that can eventually turn into something bigger.

Let?s face it, you can not reach financial freedom or security working for someone else. Period. We no longer live in an economy where you are promised job security.? Working a job is not a long term plan. It is a temporary provision and at risk every day you hop in your car to head to the office.

This is the time to roll up your sleeves and work harder than you ever have before, learning and implementing principles of entrepreneurship.? Now, this is not a message for you to go out and quit your current job today.? The wise thing would be to build up an online business while you still work your current job. Then once you have multiple streams flowing month after month from your online endeavors, you could then possibly fire your boss.

So how do you make a decision today about which road you will choose??

Start with an idea.? Choose your passion and run hard with it.? Build an online business that can get you through any economy.? Be brave and step out on faith.

Online business entrepreneurship is available for anyone that makes a decision then implements a plan to get there. To me, entrepreneurship is fun, freedom, and fabulous. ?You will have a great time doing what you love and it will make learning new ways to share your passion so much more enjoyable.


P.S. ?I help people take what they love and put action behind it to create a more secure future for themselves.? To learn more about how you can start, run, and grow a business in the 21st century, find out more here.


Create a Life of Joy by becoming an online business entrepreneur and turn your passion info profits!

Erica Mathews is a lifestyle entrepreneur, business & marketing coach, and founder of Visionary Marketing Solutions. Helping YOU create more leads, build your brand, and BOOST your business online. "Be Empowered,,,Live The Life You Love".

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Source: http://ericamathews.com/online-business-entrepreneurship-turn-your-passion-into-profits/

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