Tuesday 1 January 2013

Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions | Surviving College

I hear that goal-setting will help you to accomplish more in your lifetime. I think it?s true ? it?s easier to work when you know what you?re working for! But I never found New Year?s resolutions to be useful. I?m not talking about going to the gym (let?s be honest here; I don?t go to the gym.) I?m talking about those goals about school, reconnecting with friends, and really, anything that doesn?t have to do with me working out (again, let?s be honest, I know I?m not going to start working out?)

You say a lot, but you?re not held accountable for anything.

Often, New Year?s resolutions are personal goals. You want to try a new sport, or you want to do better in school. But there?s no consequence for failing to meet those goals. I mean, whether or not I go skydiving doesn?t really affect me. It doesn?t matter in the grand scheme of things. Plus, it?s not like I have to report to somebody after I go skydiving to get a check mark on my goal. So I?m just going to sink back into my old habits?

Your goals don?t mean anything.

A lot of New Year?s resolutions are non-specific. In fact, they?re so non-specific that you may as well have not made it a goal to begin with! Goals like doing better in school don?t mean anything. How much better do you want to do? How do you measure success? Goals should be achievable and specific. Otherwise, you?ll forget about them because you won?t know what you?re actually trying to achieve.

You only make goals once a year.

Goals are about self-improvement. I?m all for self-improvement, but it shouldn?t only come once a year. If you really wanted to achieve a goal, chances are that you wouldn?t wait until New Years to set it. Goals take time to make, plan, and achieve. It?s not just something that you decide to do on January 1 every year. Honestly, my best goals are made either out of necessity or because I?m unhappy about something in my life, and those are the ones that stick!

Now I?m not saying that New Years Resolutions are doomed to fail. I?m just saying that they?re probably doomed to fail (unless you make them the right way!) Remember, goals are not just about the day of the year. That?s why I don?t make New Years Resolutions. I just make?resolutions.

Will you be rethinking your New Year?s resolutions this year?
Let us know in the comments below!

Image courtesy of Amani Hasan via Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

Source: http://www.survivingcollege.com/why-i-dont-make-new-years-resolutions/

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