Friday 31 August 2012

Going Back to School Pathfinder | Holyoke Library Readers Advisory

It?s that time of year again, when kids of all ages start a new year at school. This pathfinder offers nonfiction books on subjects from bullying to helping your child manage stress. Each book has helpful information from education experts and gives insight into the education system.

Push Has Come to Shove: Getting Our Kids the Education They Deserve ? Even If It Means Picking a Fight / Dr. Steve Perry
Call Number: IK83 P429p

Dr. Perry is principal of one of the top schools in America and examines our school system and what?s wrong with it.

Call Number: IK83 T981

Boys tend to have more trouble in school than girls from an early age and Peg Tyre examines why and what we can do to help.


A special education : one family?s journey through the maze of learning disabilities /?Dana Buchman with Charlotte Farber
Call Number: IPAXP B853s

A memoir of a mother with a child who has learning disabilities and her struggles to understand and help her daughter.

The end of molasses classes : getting our kids unstuck : 101 extraordinary solutions for parents and teachers / Ron Clark
Call Number: IK83 C549e

Written by an award winning teacher, this book provides rules that can help kids be successful.

Parenting your stressed child : 10 mindfulness-based stress reduction practices to help your child manage stress and build essential life skills / Michelle L. Bailey.
Call Number: KXK B153p???????????

This book helps parents and teachers identify signs of stress in children and ?describes mindfulness exercises that help children deal with stress.

The Drama Years: real girls talk about surviving middle school ? bullies, brands, body image, and more / Haley Kilpatrick

Call Number: KXKT K559d

A guidebook for tween girls, The Drama Years offers advice and stories from ?middle school girls all over the nation.

Bullied : what every parent, teacher, and kid needs to know about ending the cycle of fear / Carrie Goldman
Call Number: KXK G569b

This book provides tools for children being bullied so that they can ?speak up and stop the violence. ?Also gives excerpts of families? first hand experiences.


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iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: Homework planner apps for iPhone shootout!

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: homework planners apps for iPhone shootout

If you're a high school or college student, your iPhone can make a great tool not only for learning, but for keeping track of courses, assignments, and projects. Whether you're in high school or university, the App Store is full of apps to help you succeed academically, and homework planners are no exception. iStudiez Pro, Erudio, and iHomework all offer ways to help you get and stay organized. But which one is best for you?

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: User interface

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: User interface

iStudiez Pro consists of four main sections, Today, Calendar, Assignments, and Planner. The Today tab gives you a look at not only any assignments, quizzes, or projects you have due within iStudiez Pro but a look at your Calendar app appointments and entries as well. It provides a nice way to see everything all in once place instead of trying to coordinate between two apps. You can tap into anything on the Today screen including events from your regular Calendar app to get more info.

iStudiez Pro for iPhone user interface

The Calendar tab is similar to the Today tab but gives you an entire calendar view of what you have coming up as a combined view between anything you have entered in your regular Calendar app and in iStudiez Pro. You can edit the way things show up on the calendar by changing the formatting options in the Settings section of iStudiez Pro.

Along the top of the Calendar view you'll see an option to toggle between Schedule and Assignments. The schedule view will give you a list of what you have going for the day as far as classes and other events in your calendar. Toggling to the assignments tab gives you a detailed view of what assignments you have due for that day. The calendar will also show a small paperclip on any day that an assignment is due.

iStudiez Pro for iPhone User interface

The Assignments tab does exactly what you'd expect it to do, show your assignments all in one place. You can sort things in a few different ways including by due date, course, and priority. Above that you can toggle between current and completed assignments. To bulk delete just tap the arrow button in the upper left and choose the assignments you want to delete, copy, or paste. The copy paste function is nice for assignments that are recurring instead of entering them new every time.

The planner section has three tabs along the top that allow you to view semesters, holidays, and instructors. You can tap into any section and add new data using the "+" icon located in the upper right hand corner. From the semesters tab you can tap into semester to view all the courses you have that semester. Viewing all courses will also bring up grids next to each class showing the days and times you have class. Tapping into individual courses shows the same grid but adds a toggle along the bottom to view assignments for that course as well.

From the main Today screen you can tap into Settings for iStudiez Pro at the top left. Here you have options to edit alerts, change formatting for the calendar, set up syncing, enable/disable grading, and more.

Erudio for iPhone user interface

Erudio treats courses, assignments, and grading differently than iStudiez Pro. Upon launching the app you'll see a gorgeous main screeen with a list of your courses. Tapping into any one of them will give you an overview of that course with information such as the course name, section time, dates and times for that class, current tasks, and completed tasks.

From inside an individual course screen you can also add tasks, mark them as complete, and switch between general task view mode and a view that shows when the assignment is due. Toggling the check mark box at the bottom of this screen will show and hide completed tasks.

From the main Courses screen you can tap the menu icon in the upper left hand corner to see a slide out navigation menu. You'll spend most of your time in this panel. The menu items consist of Timeline, Courses, Tasks, and Gradebook. Underneath these items you've got configuration options for academic terms, locations, and settings.

Before starting to enter assignments and courses you'll need to set up an academic term. After that you can add courses before finally starting to add assignments and projects. The one issue I have with Erudio is that you must enter a section number in order to add a course. It's frustrating and honestly, probably not necessary. Most high schools do not institute course numbers, only colleges. If you're in high school you can, however, just make up a section number.

Erudio for iPhone user interface

The first Timeline tab will show a list of what you have due based on a week view that is divided into subsections for each month. Tapping into a week will allow you to view all the tasks you have due combined with your schedule for that week.

The tasks section does exactly what you'd expect it to do, show all the tasks you have listed for all classes. You can further sort them by course or by due date. You aren't required to assign a due date if you don't want to. The last section is the Gradebook feature. This will give you a list view of all the classes you have set up in Erudio as well as an overall grade. Erudio takes an average of all the assgnments you've input grades for and gives you a percentage for that course.

The settings tab doesn't have too much to configure but you can choose to sync with iCloud or enable Calendar sync which adds all your tasks in Erudio into your stock Calendar app.

iHomework for iPhone user interface

iHomework's layout is more simliar to that of iStudiez Pro and utilizes a main row of icons along the bottom that allows access to all your main functions. By default the tabs along the bottom consist of Work, Reminders, Courses, Teachers, and More. You can tap into the More section and then tap the edit button in the top right corner in order to re-order tabs and drag them around in any order you want. You can change the tabs along the bottom or replace them with other options such as Reading, Completed, Calendar, Types, Sync, and Settings. This gives you more flexibility and customization which will be welcome by many users.

The Work section will show a summary of everything you have assignment wise. iHomework allows you to sort work by day, week, and course. The next section which is Reminders is a place to list things you need to remember to do but aren't technically assignments. Perhaps you need to remember to pick up some books at the book store or buy a new graphing calculator. Reminders is the perfect place to put tasks like these. You can choose to set a reminder but you don't have to for things that aren't time sensitive.

The Courses section in iHomework will show a view of all your courses with the icon you picked to represent that course. Underneath the course title and number you will see a grid showing which days you have that course. Tapping into a course shows the time, date, teachers list, locations, and any other information you've added for that course. You can also toggle along the bottom between course details, assignments, and grading.

iHomework for iPhone user interface

The Reading section is unique to iHomework and worth mentioning. You can add all your course books, icons for them, and then add reading assignments that will aggregate into the Reading section. Once in a reading assignment you can use the page marker feature at the top that looks like a curled page to mark what page you're on. If you're like me and hate curled and crimped book pages, this is a super nice feature. You can also tack on assignments, what pages you need to read, and any bookmarks related to that reading assignment as well.

The other tabs for iHomework are Settings and Sync. Settings allows you to edit icon badges, import or migrate iHomework data, and change sort and other preferences for assignments and reminders.

When it comes to user interface, Erudio has the most appealing interface but iHomework has the most useable and customizable interface. It'll really depend on which is more important to you. From a productivity standpoint, iHomework wins.

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: Adding terms and courses

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: courses and terms

iStudiez Pro allows you to easily add your terms and courses via the Planner section. Once inside the planner, make sure the Semesters tab is selected at the top and then click the "+" symbol in order to add a semester. You can name it whatever you like and then define the date range. After you're done you can go into a term and add your courses. You can also add holidays and instructors in the same manner.

iStudiez Pro for iPhone managing courses and terms

Once you're inside a term you can click the "+" sign next to the term in order to add more courses. You'll be required to enter a course name and next to it you can pick a color label to assign it. Tapping the Add Class button under the Schedule section allows you to set up times and dates. You can choose between a regular repeating course or a single class. If you choose repeating you'll be asked to put days of the week and meeting times that will repeat each week. If you choose single course you can just assign a date and time to it. If you have a list of exam dates, you can quickly add them from this screen as well. Tapping into any course will then allow you to start adding assignments and other options.

Erudio requires all course information to be entered before you'll be able to start entering assignments. And before you start setting up courses you'll have to pick a term. Tapping on the Academic Terms option under the Configuration section allows you to do this. Just like iStudiez Pro, you can choose time frames for academic terms and give them a short name. Once this is done you can tap into that term and add holidays as well.

Erudio for iPhone managine courses and terms

Returning to the main screen you are now good to go in Erudio to start adding courses. Under the Courses section, just tap the "+" sign in the upper right hand corner to start adding course information. You can give the course a short name and a number. You can add in a website if that course has one for resources as well as set a reminder color. The one thing that really irritates me with Erudio is that you are required to include a section number. Considering you're the only one using the app I'm not sure why this is a must have field. It's nice that they offer it but it shouldn't be required. This alienates high school students and anyone who doesn't have section numbers. You can add a place holder in the event that you don't know or have a section number. Putting a placeholder like 1234 will let you proceed. You can also use this area to turn on and off weighted grading.

Once you've added your courses and returned to the main menu of courses in Erudio you can now start adding assignments and tasks under each course.

iHomework for iPhone managing courses and terms

iHomework has a courses tab along the bottom menu that allows you to easily get a quick view of all the courses you have set up. You aren't required to set up acadmic terms or any other information. You actually don't have an option for terms so if that's important to you and you'd like to have past data stored, you may not like the lack of this feature in iHomework.

To add a course just tap the Add button in the upper right corner. You can name the course and assign times and dates as well as teachers and locations. Locations can use either GPS or you can manually enter the information. Tapping the icon for course will also give you the option of assigning one of many pre-designed icons to it. At the very bottom you can add a course website.

Once you've added all your courses into iHomework you're ready to start entering assignments and tasks.

When it comes to adding courses and terms, Erudio is the most complicated due to the need for section numbers. iStudiez Pro and iHomework are very simliar in format but iHomework doesn't have a terms feature. iStudiez Pro offers the best balance between ease of use and feature set when it comes to adding and managing academic terms and individual courses.

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: Managing homework, projects, and reminders

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: projects and assignments

iStudiez Pro allows you to add items not only from the Assignments section but the Calendar and Planner sections too. Once you've chosen to add an assignment you can give it a name, choose a due date, choose a notification time, and add a partner. You can change default notifications for assignments, exams, and classes within Settings or you can go with the defaults which are on the due dates or a few minutes before the course starts.

iStudiez Pro for iPhone adding assignments and tasks

Partners will allow you to add someone from your contacts or a new person to an assignment. This is a nice feature for group projects as it gives you easy access to their contact information from directly within the app. Just open the assignment and click on the partner you need to contact and you'll be taken directly to their contact card in your Phone app. Once you're done with an assignment and have a grade to input, you can mark the assginment as done and a grading option will pop up as long as you have grading enabled under settings. You can enter a total number of possible points and the number you earned. iStudiez Pro will automatically give you the calculation in terms of percentage.

Erudio for iPhone adding assignments and tasks

Erudio allows you to add an assignment or task from within any course or the Tasks menu. To add one just give it a name, choose the due date (you don't have to put one if you don't want to), choose a reminder and the course it goes with, and whether or not the assignment is graded. Once you receive a grade you can pop back in and enter what you earned and just like iStudiez Pro and it'll automatically calculate the percentages for you.

Once nice thing that Erudio offers is repeat tasks under reminders. You can choose a repeat for every hour, day, week, month, or year. You can also choose to use location based reminders by ticking location instead of time along the bottom of the reminders menu. You can have the app use a list of places you've already set up or add a location. You can then choose to have the app remind you when you leave or when you arrive at a specific place. Erudio is the only app that offers location based reminders for assignments and tasks.

iHomework for iPhone managing assignments and tasks

iHomework is better at organizing and sorting projects, reading assignments, and other types of tasks within the app. You can add any assignment or project to the work section while you can have other items such as reading tasks under the dedicated Reading tab. Reminders is also a separate section and a great place to put school (or non-school) related things so all your reminders are within one app. Things such as "Pick up a new pair of shoes after Chemistry" are perfect examples of things that iHomework can handle that don't really fit into apps like iStudiez Pro and Erudio.

To add an assignment in iHomework just choose add under the Work section. Fill in the name, choose the course, and then a notification setting. By default it will be set to none but you can choose between many options including minutes, hours, or days before. Once you've completed an assignment and earned a grade you can pop back in and add grades and mark it as complete. You can always see and edit completed assignments under the Completed section anytime.

When it comes to organizing and managing assignments, tasks, and notifications, iHomework provides the most flexibility and fine tuned control.

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: Syncing and cross-platform support

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: syncing

iStudiez Pro is a universal download for both iPhone and iPad. They also offer a Mac counterpart as a separate purchase. iStudiez Pro syncs directly with iCloud so once you enable sync you're good to go and won't have to worry about whether or not your data is available on all your devices.

Erudio also has a Pro version for both iPhone and iPad but they'll be separate downloads. There is no Mac version so if you want access on your computer, you should probably rule out Erudio as an option. If you're only using iPhone and iPad, Erudio supports iCloud sync natively so all your assignments, courses, and projects will sync seamlessly between them with no effort on your part.

iHomework's app is a universal download for both iPhone and iPad and they also offer a Mac version that is available in the Mac App Store. As far as syncing goes, iHomework unfortunately only offers Wi-Fi sync while on the same network. While it's functional, it's nowhere near as convenient as native iCloud or private server syncing.

When it comes to syncing, iStudiez Pro is the only app that enjoys counterparts for both iPad and Mac as well as full iCloud syncing.

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: Pricing

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: pricing

iStudiez Pro will only run you $0.99 and will work on both your iPhone and iPad without requiring a separate purchase. If you'd like the Mac version to complete the suite it'll cost an additional $9.99.

Erudio's premium app for iPhone will run you $2.99. If you'd like it for iPad you'll also have to fork over another $2.99 since it's not a universal binary. While there is iCloud syncing, there is currently no Mac version to add to the mix.

iHomework is currently priced at $0.99 in the iOS App Store and is a universal download for both iPhone and iPad. If you'd like to pick up the Mac version, it'll only cost you an additional $0.99 which is a great deal for any Mac app, let alone one with as many features as iHomework offers.

When it comes to cost, it's hard to beat iHomework's $0.99 price tag, especially because it's available for Mac and iOS.

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: The bottom line

iStudiez Pro vs. Erudio vs. iHomework: the bottom line

If you aren't concerned with syncing and only need a homework planner app on your iPhone, iHomework provides the best solution at the most reasonable price. Separate reading and reminders lists make iHomework the go-to iPhone app for staying on top of things. The only thing that keeps us from recommending iHomework as the best homework planner app is its lack of native iCloud syncing -- Wi-Fi sync is a pain.

Erudio does not offer a Mac app and the interface, although gorgeous, lagged during our tests. And then there's that pesky section number issue that can become annoying very quickly.

That leaves iStudiez Pro. If iCloud sync and cross-platform support are must haves for you, look no further than iStudiez Pro. It's got a huge list of features that'll keep you organized and set you up for success not only this school year but every year after that.

iStudiez Pro - $0.99 - Download Now

Erudio - $2.99 - Download Now

iHomework - $0.99 - Download Now


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Tuesday 28 August 2012 app beta app Jive jibes into Hooha, now available on Google Play

HoohaHooha is still in its infancy as a new version of Twitter that you have to pay to get into but lacks issues like cutting developers off at the knees, and now it's starting to grow some legs. There are a number of apps in various stages of beta development. One of those apps is (was) Jive, which is now available for free in Google Play.

The two screen shots you see above are pretty much it. You get timeline views, and you can post to your stream. Simple, but effective, but also without the scope that Twitter continues to dominate with.

But these things do have to start slowly. If you're getting into, give Hooha a look-see.


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Julia grew up, got married, and became a Republican (Powerlineblog)

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Logitech teases new Ultimate Ears lineup, says it's bringing 'power to the music' on August 29th

Logitech teases new Ultimate Ears lineup, says it's bringing 'Power to the Music' on August 29th

Having most recently introduced products like its water-friendly K310 washable keyboard and that TV Cam HD, Logitech's now apparently prepping a fresh Ultimate Ears portfolio for all sound lovers out there. Via its UE page on Zuck's social network, the company's teasing a plethora of products with some rather suppressive shots that don't quite tell us what's on the other end, though we can slightly see new headphones and speakers will be the focus of the main 'Power to the Music' event in a couple of days -- or August 29th, to be exact. For now, it looks like we'll have to keep wondering, but you can get a better hint for what to expect by tapping on the Facebook link below.

[Thanks, Khaled]

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Logitech teases new Ultimate Ears lineup, says it's bringing 'power to the music' on August 29th originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 15:31:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday 27 August 2012

All eyes on Isaac as GOP convention approaches

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney along with his running mate Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., campaign buttons are displayed ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney along with his running mate Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., campaign buttons are displayed ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann, leave Brewster Academy after finishing convention preparations for the day on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 in Wolfeboro, N.H. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama waves as he walks across the South Lawn of the White House after returning from Camp David on Marine One helicopter, Sunday, Aug., 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Col. Oscar Poole, right, and Claire Simpson, both of Georgia, arrive at the 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee?s welcoming event for the delegates of the Republican National Convention on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/The Tampa Tribune, Chris Urso, Pool)

Missouri delegate Eric Zahnd, right, and his wife Tracy attend the 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee?s welcoming event for the delegates of the Republican National Convention on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/The Tampa Tribune, Chris Urso, Pool)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney's Republican National Convention sputters to life with the lonely banging of a gavel in a mostly empty hall, hardly the opening splash intended for the nation. With a sprawling and strengthening storm bearing down on the region, the party hastily rewrote the convention script to present the extravaganza's prime rituals and headline speakers later in the week ? Tropical Storm Isaac willing.

Nothing was certain Monday as the storm carved an unpredictable path toward the Gulf of Mexico, forcing planners to compress four days of events into three and otherwise improvise.

It was a complication, at best, for a party determined to cast the close election as a referendum on President Barack Obama's economic stewardship and Romney as the best hope for jobs and prosperity.

From New Hampshire, where he and his wife, Ann, rehearsed their convention speeches in a high school auditorium, Romney expressed worry about the people in Isaac's way while predicting a "great convention" nonetheless. Other officials put on a brave face, too.

But Sally Bradshaw, a Florida Republican and longtime senior aide to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, was not so sanguine. "It's a mess all around and it's fraught with risk," she said. "It's not good for anybody ? particularly the people impacted by the storm."

The concern was two-fold: that Tampa, hosting thousands of GOP delegates, would get sideswiped by the storm; and that it would be unseemly to engage in days of political celebration if Isaac made a destructive landfall anywhere on U.S. soil.

"You can tone down the happy-days-are-here-again a bit," said Rich Galen, a veteran Republican consultant in Washington. "Maybe you don't have the biggest balloon drop in history."

Said Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman: "We're moving forward, but we are going to be nimble." Real estate developer Donald Trump, who had been scheduled to speak Monday, was dropped from the convention program because of the reshuffling.

Republicans hoped another distracting tempest would blow over, too, concerning abortion. The Obama campaign and its allies have doubled down in efforts to exploit remarks more than a week ago by Rep. Todd Akin, the GOP's candidate for a Senate seat from Missouri, that a woman's body has a way of preventing pregnancy in the case of a "legitimate rape." The claim is unsupported by medical evidence. The congressman quickly apologized but resisted Romney's pressure to drop out of the race.

Romney, in a Fox interview, said in comments broadcast Sunday that the fallout over Akin's remarks "hurts our party and I think is damaging to women," adding: "It really is sad, isn't it? With all the issues that America faces, for the Obama campaign to continue to stoop to such a low level."

In the reworked convention schedule released early Sunday evening, organizers planned a pro forma opening Monday afternoon, lasting no more than five minutes or so. Priebus was to gavel the convention to order, then immediately recess. Few delegates were expected to attend. In the only bit of convention-hall theater, a debt clock was to be set in motion, to tally the nation's red ink during the convention.

Speakers who had been scheduled for Monday were to start making the case against Obama, under the day's theme, "we can do better." That theme now will be threaded through the following three days, said Romney adviser Russ Schriefer, in charge of the convention's planning. "Even though the days will be abbreviated, I absolutely believe we'll be able to get our message out," he said.

The roll call of state delegations affirming Romney as the party's nominee now is to unfold Tuesday, an evening capped by speeches from Ann Romney and an assortment of GOP governors. Romney's running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, gets the prime-time spotlight Wednesday and Romney closes out the spectacle Thursday night, his springboard into the final leg of the contest. That's all if the storm brings no further complications.

So far, many delegates were taking the shakeup in stride. "People are pretty resilient, and people knew going in that there were some weather issues," said Pat Shortridge, the Minnesota state GOP chairman, from Lino Lakes, Minn. "I don't think it's dampened enthusiasm."

Weather was recognized as potential trouble when Republicans chose to hold their convention in politically vital Florida during hurricane season, a decision made well before Romney locked up the nomination. And it's clear that memories of Hurricane Katrina, and the failure of a Republican administration to respond effectively to its Gulf Coast devastation in 2005, are hanging over Tampa now. Republicans have been so sensitive to the political risks from natural disasters that they delayed the start of their national convention by a day in 2008, when Hurricane Gustav bore down on the Gulf, far from their meeting in Minnesota.

And it surely wasn't lost on Tampa convention organizers that a gathering storm gave Obama an opportunity to show leadership. As the forecast worsened, the president directed the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help.

"The president also told the governor to let him know if there are any unmet needs or additional resources the administration could provide, including in support of efforts to ensure the safety of those visiting the state for the Republican National Convention," the White House said Sunday.

Both sides grappled with how to conduct their politicking in the face of the storm. Vice President Joe Biden, who had been prepared to make as much political hay as possible over the Republican convention, canceled a campaign swing through Florida on Monday and Tuesday.

Polls find a tight race, and it's one that is likely to be settled in a small number of battleground states.

An estimated $500 million has been spent on television commercials so far by the two candidates, their parties and supporting outside groups, nearly all of it in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. Those states account for 100 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the White House. Republicans hope to expand the electoral map to include Pennsylvania, Michigan, perhaps Ryan's Wisconsin and even Minnesota, states with 68 electoral votes combined.

All four are usually reliably Democratic in presidential campaigns. Yet Romney has a financial advantage over the president, according to the most recent fundraising reports, and a move by the Republicans into any of them could force Obama to dip into his own campaign treasury in regions he has considered relatively safe.

Republican office-holders past and present said the economy is the key if Romney is to expand his appeal to women and Hispanic voters.

"We have to point out that the unemployment rate among young women is now 16 percent, that the unemployment rate among Hispanics is very high, that jobs and the economy are more important, perhaps, than maybe other issues," said Arizona Sen. John McCain, who lost to Obama in 2008.

Bush agreed, saying that Romney "can make inroads if he focuses on how do we create a climate of job creation and economic growth." If he succeeds, "I think people will move back towards the Republican side," the former Florida governor added.

Obama leads Romney among female voters and by an overwhelming margin among Hispanics, but trails substantially among men.


Woodward reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in New Hampshire; Thomas Beaumont, Tamara Lush and Brendan Farrington in Florida; Philip Elliott in Wisconsin; and Alicia Caldwell in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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International AIDS Society emphasizes universal access to ...

?The highly effective programs to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV already exist, without any specific work of fracture or research that is not already present,? said IAS President, Elly katabira. ?In 2008, approximately 45 % of HIV positive pregnant women received antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV transmission to their children, an increase of 35 % who were treated in 2007. Supplementary scale for pregnant women HIV can easily be reached only if the financial commitments for universal access to HIV treatment are made. ?remains the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age around the world and as such poses a serious obstacle to progress in reducing maternal and infant mortality, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The International AIDS Society calls on governments and donors to accept that success in improving the health of pregnant women and children under five years is intertwined with the battle against it.

The particles used in the study were relatively ?clean? ultrafine particles, made of pure carbon. Scientists have made further studies on the effects of ultrafine particles in the people, but these studies have generally included with other materials such as gas and other particles, and have often been made with the highest concentrations. Frampton and Stewart studied the concentration of particles was 50 micrograms per cubic meter, which is lower than most of the studies, even higher than what many people are normally exposed to air during breathing a daily basis.

?World leaders have recognized that the maternal and child health is a prerequisite for achieving all other objectives of the Millennium Development Goals?, said Mats Ahnlund, Acting Executive Director, IAS. ?The now global recognition that the Millennium Development Goals can be achieved without the other is a positive step. However, we must now make governments and donors agree that universal access to prevention, treatment and care, a commitment that was made by world leaders in 2005 and has not been reached, it is essential for maternal and child health. ?

Everyone must redouble their efforts and funding to address all causes of maternal and infant mortality, the indications of a commitment to reporting services for HIV are especially concerning, given that HIV prevention and treatment have shown a tangible impact on maternal and child mortality and morbidity in many hyperendemic countries in Africa.


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Saturday 25 August 2012

Norway killer ruled sane, given 21-year prison term | ...


OSLO, Norway (CNN) ? Anders Breivik, the man who killed 77 people in a bomb attack and gun rampage just over a year ago, was judged to be sane by a Norwegian court Friday, as he was sentenced to 21 years in prison.

Breivik was charged with voluntary homicide and committing acts of terror in the attacks in Oslo and on Utoya Island on July 22, 2011.

The issue of Breivik?s sanity, on which mental health experts have given conflicting opinions, was central to the court?s ruling.

Breivik, who boasts of being an ultranationalist who killed his victims to fight multiculturalism in Norway, wanted to be ruled sane so that his actions wouldn?t be dismissed as those of a lunatic.

He says he acted out of ?necessity? to prevent the ?Islamization? of his country.

But prosecutors had asked that Breivik, 33, be acquitted on the grounds of insanity, in which case he would have been held in a secure mental health unit.

The unanimous verdict was delivered at Oslo district court by a panel of five judges.

Breivik, dressed in a dark suit and tie, had a slight smile on his face as the decision was given.

He was sentenced to the maximum possible term of 21 years and was ordered to serve a minimum of 10 years in prison.

The sentence could be extended, potentially indefinitely, in the future if he is considered still to pose a threat to society. Norway does not have the death penalty.

Breivik has said he won?t appeal the verdict. The chief prosecutor also confirmed Friday that the prosecution does not intend to lodge an appeal.

Bjorn Ihler, a survivor of the Utoya Island attack, told CNN he was glad the trial had concluded and that justice had been done.

?It?s been an amazingly difficult process. It?s been a constant, constant reminder of why we have to fight extremism in every way possible,? he said of the trial.

?We have to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.?

The court?s judgment that Breivik is sane means that the far-right views he espouses can be confronted in Norway without being dismissed as those of a madman, Ihler said.

?There are extremist people around, they are not insane, and we have to be able to take a proper debate with them,? he said.

Asked whether the verdict meant closure for him, Ihler said: ?This case is going to live strongly with me for the rest of my life probably.?

Reading out the court?s ruling, Judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen spoke of Breivik?s ?manifesto,? a document published online in which he set out his ultranationalist political views.

Breivik claimed to belong to a far-right group called the Knights Templar but the court found no evidence of its existence, the judge said.

He described his actions as a pre-emptive attack in defense of ethnic Norwegian people and culture, the court heard.

Breivik trained for his attack by working out in the gym, running with a backpack filled with rocks and practicing at a shooting club, the court heard.

He was under the influence of ephedrine, a stimulant, at the time of the attacks, and the possibility that this contributed to his behavior cannot be ruled out, Judge Arne Lyng said. He used meditation techniques to cut off his emotions, Lyng said.

In the course of the 10-week trial, which wrapped up in June, the court heard chilling evidence from some of those who survived Breivik?s shooting spree on Utoya Island, in which 69 people died ? most of them teenagers attending a Labour Party summer youth camp.

In his own testimony, given without emotion, Breivik recounted firing more bullets into teenagers who were injured and couldn?t escape, killing those who tried to ?play dead? and driving others into the sea to drown.

His fertilizer bomb attack against government buildings in Oslo also killed eight people and injured many more.

It was only luck that more people were not killed and hurt in the blast, the court heard.

Breivik blames politicians, and the Labour Party in particular, for promoting multiculturalism in Norway.

He has been held in a ?particularly high security? wing of Ila Prison since his detention immediately after the killings.

The prison?s governor, Knut Bjarkeid, said Wednesday that the institution was ready to hold Breivik securely whether the court ruled him sane or not. ?Our job is to protect the community,? Bjarkeid said.

Over the past year, Breivik has had three cells for his use, one for physical exercise and another for reading and writing, as well as a separate outdoor exercise space, he said. Breivik cannot mix with prisoners from other wings, but does have contact with prison staff.

?As of now, we think there is a need to subject Mr. Behring Breivik to a particularly high security regime,? Bjarkeid said.

The high security regime ?puts a heavy strain on an inmate, especially if it lasts for a longer period,? he added, so Breivik?s continued detention under these conditions will be kept under constant review.

Defense lawyer Geir Lippestad has previously said it is important to Breivik that people see him as sane so they don?t dismiss his views.

The court had to consider conflicting opinions from medical experts in reaching its verdict.

An initial team of psychiatrists found Breivik to be paranoid and schizophrenic, following 36 hours of interviews.

However, a second pair of experts found he was not psychotic at the time of the attacks, does not suffer from a psychiatric condition and is not mentally challenged.

Their report said there is a ?high risk for repeated violent actions.?

Mark Stephens, a partner at law firm Finers Stephens Innocent, told CNN Friday: ?The general public will think only a madman can commit these offenses, but in law madness is defined very narrowly. Basically it requires a doctor to come to court and say this person has a definable medical illness ? in this case the prosecution said he was a paranoid schizophrenic, and that can be treated with drugs and behavioral therapy.

?If, however, he had a personality disorder or was just ? motivated, as in this case, by a misguided political belief that this was the only way to stop the Islamization, as he would have it, of his nation, then in those circumstances he has be found guilty because he understood what he was doing was wrong.?

Breivik?s rampage, the worst atrocity on Norwegian soil since World War II, prompted much soul-searching.

Norwegians reasserted their commitment to multiculturalism and tolerance at a series of mass public tributes held in the immediate aftermath of the massacre.

And earlier this month, Norway?s chief of police stepped down after an independent commission detailed a catalog of police and intelligence failures.

It concluded that those errors cost police 30 minutes in getting to Utoya, and that dozens of lives might have been saved.

Speaking last month on the anniversary of the killings, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg urged Norwegians to ?honor the dead by celebrating life,? and said Breivik had failed in his attempt to change Norway?s values.


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Friday 24 August 2012

Wall Street dips, focus on euro zone

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks slipped on Friday after Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany, as well as France, want Greece to stay in the euro zone but that Athens must meet its commitments.

The S&P 500 dipped below 1,400 for the first time in two weeks. The index hasn't closed below 1,400 since the first Monday of August and is on track for only its first weekly decline in seven.

Data showed new orders for long-lasting U.S. manufactured goods surged in July, even as declines in a gauge of planned business spending pointed to a slowing growth trend in manufacturing.

The mixed data added to the market uncertainty on whether the Federal Reserve will soon act in support of the economy.

Uncertainty over how euro zone policymakers will attempt to make Spain's borrowing costs affordable and renewed worries over Greece kept traders away from risky assets. Germany's Merkel said talks with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras were a good start but there was still much to do.

"If you are a bull and want central banks to absorb debt issues you want to hear (Merkel) sound acquiescing," said Kim Forrest, senior equity research analyst at Fort Pitt Capital Group in Pittsburgh. "That's not where she was starting the conversation from."

Forrest said Europe is flaring up again and the time is now to see if the euro zone will stand behind European Central Bank President Mario Draghi's commitment to do whatever it takes to save the euro.

The Dow Jones industrial average slipped 22.18 points, or 0.17 percent, to 13,035.28. The S&P 500 Index lost 2.96 points, or 0.21 percent, to 1,399.12. The Nasdaq Composite fell 7.68 points, or 0.25 percent, to 3,045.72.

Autodesk shares were downgraded by various brokerages a day after the design software maker's quarterly results fell short of expectations for the first time in nearly two years. Shares tumbled 14.1 percent to $30.66.

Supervalu shares jumped 9.9 percent to $2.33 as its advisers sought potential buyers to bid for the entire business, even as several suitors have inquired about individual parts of the U.S. grocery company, according to a Bloomberg report.


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Thursday 23 August 2012

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Media Contact:
Don Pinder


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Wednesday 22 August 2012

Four flames lit on UK's highest peaks

Four Paralympic flames were lit on the highest peaks of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland ahead of next week's Games in London.

Disabled and able-bodied scouts scaled Scafell Pike in the Lake District in England, Snowdon in Wales, Scotland's Ben Nevis and Slieve Donard in Northern Ireland.

The four flames will be brought together on Tuesday at Stoke Mandeville, the hospital in southern England which is the spiritual home of the Paralympics.

The teams used a ferrocerium rod which they struck against a rough steel surface to make sparks that created the flame.

Sebastian Coe, the organiser of the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, joined the trek up Snowdown.

"Great effort by the scouts this morning, starting at 6.15am to get to top of Snowdon. We lit one of 4 Paralympic flames," he tweeted.

Elaine Paert, who has bipolar disorder, was the first person to carry the flame on Snowdon.

"I only found out on Tuesday that I would be the first person to carry it which was quite an incredible piece of information and I didn't take it in," she told the BBC.

"I was chosen as a representative of a group I am a member of as other people are not physically able to take part. It was absolutely incredible and amazing.

"I hope it will help people realise that people do have more to offer and that a disability needn't set you back. I am looking forward to the Games even more now and I feel I have contributed a tiny atom towards it."

The Paralympics are a near sellout, with spectators attracted by high-profile competitors including "Blade Runner" Oscar Pistorius, the South African double amputee sprinter who competed in the Olympics.

A record 4,200 athletes from 166 countries will take part and the Games will be watched by an estimated global television audience of four billion.


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Romney: Mr. Akin, Tear Down This Campaign

Mitt Romney has called on Todd Akin to quit his Senate campaign three hours before the deadline for Akin to do so without going to court Tuesday.?Romney condemned Akin's rape comments Sunday night, and more strongly on Monday, but his call for Akin to quit comes after Akin promised for a third time that he's not quitting. As its presidential candidate, Romney is supposed to lead the Republican Party, but his call comes long after many top Republicans told Akin to quit.


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Rise in single motherhood prompts debate on support, challenges

Katie Roiphe?s defense of single motherhood has sparked an online conversation on the topic of what makes a family. (

By:?Rachel Lowry

Katie Roiphe?s defense of single motherhood in the New York Times has sparked an online conversation on the topic of what makes a family.

Koiphe urged readers to examine the broader meanings of what family can encompass. ?Conservatives obsess over moral decline, and liberals worry extravagantly ? and one could argue condescendingly ? about children, but all exhibit a fundamental lack of imagination about what family can be ? and perhaps more pressingly ? what family is,? Roiphe said. ?We now live in a country in which 53 percent of the babies born to women under 30 are born to unmarried mothers.?

That fact may be true, but these statistics still hew to the conventional meaning of family, Bella Depaulo, at Psych Central, noted. For example, the U.S. Census Bureau, Depaulo said, defines family as ?a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together.?

The demise of two-parent families has been an economic catastrophe for American society, Kay S. Hymowitz reported last June. Of the two-fifths of bottom-quintile households that are families, 83 percent are headed by single mothers, the U.S. census found. Virtually all the increase in child poverty in the U.S. since the 1970s would vanish if people still married at 1970s rates, the Brookings Institution?s Isabel Sawhill calculated.

?If young people do three things ? graduate from high school, get a job and get married and wait until they?re 21 before having a baby ? they have an almost 75% chance of making it into the middle class,? Ron Haskins of the Pew Center on the States? Economic Mobility Project said.

?Those are pretty impressive odds,? Hymowitz observed in the Los Angeles Times.


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Owner of prospering small business to share success tips | The Salt ...

As part of an ongoing educational series, the U.S. Small Business Administration is inviting Utah business owners to participate in a live web chat with Martha Ross-Rodgers, co-owner of Rodgers? Banana Pudding Sauces of Virginia who will be talking about growing a family-owned business.

She will answer questions about how the love for a nostalgic dessert turned into a booming family-owned enterprise, the trials and triumphs of financing and promoting their product, and what they have done to build on their business success.

The web chat will be held on Thursday at 1 p.m. Participants can join the live web chat, and also post questions before the event by going online to, and then clicking on the web chat event under What?s New.

Rogers, whose business was one of SBA?s video contest winners for National Small Business Week 2012, will answer questions for one hour.

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What is a Legal Injury? - Law Offices of Thomas Ehrlich

In order to file a lawsuit, you must have an injury. No, this doesn?t mean you have to be physically bruised and battered, although this is one type of injury. But the type of injury at issue is a legal injury, which is a broad term meaning that you were affected by the actions of the defendant, and you stand to recover some kind of damages. If you are considering filing a lawsuit, an attorney is likely to discuss with you whether or not you have a legal injury. So what are the basics of a legal injury, and why do you need one?

In order to file a lawsuit, you must have been injured. This goes for filing a personal injury suit, and also for a breach of contract suit. If you have had no injury, in most circumstances nothing can be awarded to the plaintiff in terms of damages.

A legal injury can be very minor, however. It can be obvious, such as a broken arm, but it can also be something like emotional distress or the loss of business. It can mean your rights were impaired, but generally in that case you must have had an intention to take advantage of those rights. It can mean you lost the ability to work, or that you lost a valuable employee.

In each area of law, there are a series of other, additional requirements that you will need in addition to an injury in order to file a successful lawsuit. The best way to understand your case?s potential is to see an attorney.

This information is not intended to be legal advice.


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Tuesday 21 August 2012

Law Firm Real Estate: Is Downtown the New Midtown? - Is It Legal To

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Netflix nabs a million UK subscribers, promises to 'invest heavily' to outbid Sky for movie rights

DNP Netflix nabs a million UK subscribers, promises to 'invest heavily' to outbid Sky for movie rights

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has threatened a bidding war with UK Broadcaster BSkyB for premium movie rights, and he could have the war chest to back it up -- the company also hit the million subscriber mark in the UK only seven months after launching there. Netflix UK boasted that it even got there faster than Twitter or Facebook did globally, and chalked up the success to most British households having at least one household streaming device. Meanwhile, Hastings said the US company intends to pry premium Hollywood movie rights away from BSkyB, promising to be "really aggressive in our bidding." The streaming service will have to overcome more than money, however -- the UK's Competition Commission granted BSkyB a rights extension to protect it from the very likes of Netflix.

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Family Holidays Abroad: Great Get-togethers! ? candidtraveller

The trouble with a family holiday is that you have to take the family. Explosive tantrums and erupting tempers are almost guaranteed, but forget the bucket and spade because there are plenty of holiday destinations that will enthrall the whole family, young, old or somewhere in between.

A Trip to the Zoo

You could take family holidays abroad to one ofthe best zoos of all; the Serengeti National Park is famous as host to the largest natural migration on earth. Serengeti means Endless Plains and every year across the endless savannah?of Tanzania sweep over a million and a half wildebeest, wild lions, giraffe and zebra, all?in search of water and food as part of the greatest natural migration on earth. Even out of migration season, the Serengeti, established in 1951 as one of Africa?s first ever game parks, is still a magical land of discovery teeming with wildlife from hippos to cheetahs.

Also in the north of Tanzania and on the so-called safari circuit, the Ngorongoro National Park surrounds a vast caldera, the deep depression left in the land after a volcanic eruption, and is home to what is, quite simply, the best experience you can get of wildlife in its natural habitat anywhere in the world. For some reason, the animals seem less wary of jeeps on safari in the Ngorongoro and so you get up close, if not personal, with elephants, rhinos, wildebeest, antelope, gazelle, buffalo and lions.

From the endless plains to dense rainforests and jungles of South America, Costa Rica is full of raging rivers, hot springs and towering volcanoes that create a bio-diversity all of their own. See tree-frogs, iguanas, sloths and crocodiles under the rainforest canopy and explore a live volcano for adventure holidays with a difference and a hint of danger.

Mount Arenal is the youngest and most active of all the volcanoes in Costa Rica, six of which are active and 61 dormant. Though Mount Arenal last erupted in 2010 you can still hear the distant rumbles underground and see the spill of lava rivers which have made it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country.

Going to See the Lights

From hot to cold, there are few shows in nature more spectacular than a live volcano but the Aurora Borealis is one of them. The Northern Lights shine out pink and green across the sky as the sun?s solar wind meets the Earth?s atmosphere, and they dance in the skies over the peculiar volcanic landscape of Iceland creating a lightshow more spectacular than any stadium can host.

Iceland also offers more earthbound attraction sover a 300 km route through the country?s landmarks, popularly called The Golden Circle which passes through the Althing, Iceland?s traditional arena of government and a symbol of the country?s independence. It moves on to Gullflossor the Golden Falls, a 105ft double cascade waterfall that breaks into thousands of rainbows, and finally the Geysir, the original geyser from which all geysers were named and, when co-operating, shoots 200ft plumes of water into the sky.

Family holidays should be about learningand discovering together, with adventure and excitement for everyone thown in.Visiting some of the natural wonders of the world can give you not only holiday memories to treasure, but life-changing experiences whatever your age.


Ilena Sanchez is an experienced travel writer who specializes in writing about adventure holidays and family holidays abroad for various travel websites and blogs.

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