Sunday 19 August 2012

Digging Deep In One-On-One Interviews | Business Coach ...

Posted by Cameron on August 17, 2012

interrogation-techniquesOne of the most important lessons I?ve learned from interviewing is that everyone lies, or they at least exaggerate a little bit.

When you?re interviewing people, you must make sure that candidates actually have experience doing what they say they do. You?re not looking to see if they know how to do it.? There are lots of great books out there for people to read to learn how they might do something.? You want to find people that have proven past performance.

You want someone who has the practice and has perfected their craft. Your business deserves nothing less than that.

Don?t be afraid of grilling people hard in a one-on-one interview.

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Tags: Interviewing, Top Grading

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